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We had a great day at the pool today. The kids were especially happy for a day to just mess around - no swimming lessons. And yes, since I know many of you must be wondering bathing caps are required at most community pools in Israel for anyone with long hair, which is pretty much every girl in the country. Luckily they don't bother the moms too much if your hair is up and you're not actively swimming (laps or underwater). I really REALLY hate wearing mine (it's uncomfortable and makes me look remarkably like a weeble (remember them? they wobble but don't fall down? big round heads? yup, that's me in a bathing cap.) so I only wear it if I'm swimming laps, which I don't do all that often. I also really need to find the time to pick up new goggles for both kids - Maya adores her little flower ones but they're much too small, making her scrunched up eyes look swollen, as if she's got a raging case of pink eye, and Itai's have started leaking enough to be annoying.
We had a great day at the pool today. The kids were especially happy for a day to just mess around - no swimming lessons. And yes, since I know many of you must be wondering bathing caps are required at most community pools in Israel for anyone with long hair, which is pretty much every girl in the country. Luckily they don't bother the moms too much if your hair is up and you're not actively swimming (laps or underwater). I really REALLY hate wearing mine (it's uncomfortable and makes me look remarkably like a weeble (remember them? they wobble but don't fall down? big round heads? yup, that's me in a bathing cap.) so I only wear it if I'm swimming laps, which I don't do all that often. I also really need to find the time to pick up new goggles for both kids - Maya adores her little flower ones but they're much too small, making her scrunched up eyes look swollen, as if she's got a raging case of pink eye, and Itai's have started leaking enough to be annoying.
Oh, and while we're on the subject of slacker mothers who don't buy their children properly fitting goggles, I obviously don't take them for haircuts often enough either - if I don't get Itai a haircut soon they're going to start making HIM wear a bathing cap, a transgression for which I suspect he'd never forgive me. (Luckily you can't see Maya's bangs under that bathing cap, because she too is in the running for at least a bronze medal in the Sheepdog of the Year competition.)
So what have you all been up to this fine summer week?
Come play along - add the link to your own Summer Stock post below to join in the fun.
Hey Robin! How are you? Gosh, I saw your twit - and had to take a look!
I do hope all is well. The kids look happy - growing -congratulations!
They sure look like they are having fun!
Oh what great fun! I will have to find out where Ariel and Yarden, two of my grand kids, are going next week, it's in Israel but I don't know the name of the kibbutz (is that the right spelling?) The pool looks so clean and inviting. judi
I can't even imagine what I'd look like in a bathing cap! I'd have to try to find an Esther Williams-esque one with a vintagey bathing suit. Although that would work best with a really good body. It always comes back to cellulite...
But it sure looks like the kids had a good time!
Good looking kids and they do look like they are having a really good time.
BTW, tThanks for visiting my blog.
they look very happy and they're both so cute
I truly can't imagine you slacking off on anything
The kids are precious! The blue is like taken from heaven. That is some summer color you found out for us! Thanks!
Both kids have such lovely happy smiles :)
Robin - thanks sO much for stopping by to invite me over! I had completely forgotten about it and I really did want to play! You know... the pool and the beach are TOTALLY my idea of summer -- but today I have something a bit different to share! :)
Oh DUH! You'd like a comment on YOUR post, huh??? LOL! The kids are (of course) ADORABLE - and they seem very happy to be chillin' in the pool! I would absolutely HATE bathing caps too... I remember them from childhood and am SO glad our pools don't require them here!
They are so cute...and the water is sooo blue! We finally went to the splash pad to play in the city operated fancy sprinklers yesterday. It's just not warm enough for actual swimming. Still loads of fun though.
Ahhh....beautiful children with beautiful smiles!
Maya and her goggles just make you smile.
I love the shot of Itai and how the water wraps around him. The water is glistening. This is just a great shot!
Summer does not get more Summer than this, what a fun series Robin!! I almost forgot to play, but it's up now!
Wonderful wet weebles! ;-)
I love the pool in the summer time. I just love sitting in a floating thing and relaxing all day while the kids play.
When we were at Kfar Blum, the lifeguard just bothered us about hair ties for my daughter. He was nice about it; one day she came home with a pretty purple tie that he had given her.
Your son's hair looks cute. My eldest hasn't gotten his haircut since before Pesach. He says tomorrow, after his first final.
Summer starts so much earlier for you! We are really still in spring here.
I'm going to have to figure out this time factor, thing!
Slacker mom, indeed! I think Itai's hair is cute ... he probably doesn't want to hear that from an old lady :-)
Fun! Came here via Daryl from NYC. Love your pool shots.
Adorable kids!
Nice way to beat summer.
Your children are cute and seem to be having fun not matter the bathing caps. Gosh I use to hate to wear them to and they never really kept my hair dry. I found your site by way of Daryl and I had posted this post early this AM and saw her photo so I jumped onto the wagon and linked to your site. What a fun theme. I am not the photographer or the writer as you can see but I do it all for fun and to keep sane:) Thanks for hosting.
Well, I slept in ... late nite, so now I am 'up' and so is my look at Summer ..
The Blue water is so vivid love te shots, love to swim in water so vividly blue.
Mines up you'll have to scroll down past Camera critters on same post.
Robin children in summer! Oh it's wonderful! Come see my grand-nephew and what he's doing these summer days! Your photos are sooo colorful! :)
Nothing like kids and water... I had to wear a bathing cap at the ocean when I was growing up, just because my mother said so! hahaha!
Great pics!! I decided to get in on this Summer Stock Sunday! Thanks for hosting.
Sweet kids! Blue water. Fun.
those are great, robin! we have not had enough warmth around here for much good summer photography, but i thought this might work for today (sorry i'm late):
So very late, but I have pictures up on our hike last weekend. So very beautiful up there.
Hmm... I wonder how they define "long". Is there a standard? Or is it totally discretionary? And don't they realize that long or short, some people's hair is less firmly attached than others? Gah. I digress. Oh, and if it maters to him, you could always explain to Itai that wearing the elastic yarmulke will make him faster in the water. Just look at the photos of those Olympic swimmers. They all wear 'em.
I can't seem to come up with anything for this meme that doesn't involve a beach, and most of my beach shots were taken during the fall. So I'm faking it again this week... and just explaining it as "new math".
(I did actually take several hundred shots yesterday, but unless you were there you wouldn't know if it was summer or not to look at the pictures.)
I'm late, no computer time yesterday. We'll be spending as much time as possible in a pool this summer! Yesterday I was at at BBQ with a friend who has a brother living in your town. We both want to come visit your neck of the woods one of these days... :)
Come any time my friend, any time.
Forgive me for not being around. The puppies are wonderful, but I am so busy with them, that when I do get a moment I fall asleep in my chair. I am getting old!
The kids looks awesome and happy. What more could a Mom want!
Hi Robin - I'm late with my Summer Stock Sunday because my computer's in the shop.
'Makes me look remarkably like a weeble' - LOL! Great image, there Robin...
a bit late, but it's up now! THOSE are perfect shots for summer :-)
of course, the pool is perfect! this week summer stock photo can be seen here
i really miss the pool at my apt. complex. that water looks SO refreshing!
what great pics of your kids in the water. You really capture summer!!
LOVE that 70's haircut (or lack thereof) on your son!!
Awww, nothing like swimming for fun on a warm summer day. Fun!!
Robin, those faces are the sweetest!
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