Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Arch and Olive

The knarled old olive tree you see through this arched window stands in the courtyard of the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and the Fishes in Tabgha, on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

Inside the Church is a large rock, venerated since ancient times, that is believed to be the one upon which Jesus placed the bread and the fish when he fed the 5,000.

Brand new at Around the Island Photography -- Photoverse Prints - Faith-Based and Inspirational Custom Photo Art!


Unknown said...

Sending our love this Christmas to you and your family.

Best Regards,
Dave, Eng and Ysabelle

Merry Christmas and Sorry

Jidhu Jose said...


Merry Xmas

Anonymous said...

wow, beautiful and replete with history.

happy christmas.

Gemma Wiseman said...

A sacred window laden with precious history! Beautiful photo!

toby said...

Cool composition!
By the way - I'm sorry that I never got back to you. I sold three photos at our Chanuka Fair! It was a lot of fun standing there, but I don't think I'm giving up my day job just yet :)
Anyway, thanks again for all your help!

Lesley said...

What a long name for this church! I really like the soft buttery colour of this stone.

Cloudia said...

Magical post/place :)

Happy Season to YOU

Aloha from Hawaii

Comfort Spiral



Ingrid said...

I love more the history than the religion, because finally we have all the same, it's with Jesus and Mohamed that it split and there are different believes.
Thanks for your mazeltof for my little Toby ! He is quiet a big baby for his one month !

caite said...

A great the perspective.