Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Holy Crap - Tantruming Toddler Thrown Off Plane!

As someone who's flown countless times with young children, and tried my damnedest (and succeeded, if you don't count that one hellish trip back from Maine alone with Maya, who'd already been cooped up in a car for 4 hours before we started) to keep my kids reasonably quiet and well behaved on planes (or for that matter anywhere in public), I really hope that there is more to this story than there appears! What a nightmare for the poor parents, to whom I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt and assume were also doing their utmost to keep things under control. I'm sure their tantruming child was making life miserable for everyone around them and certainly needed to be dealt with, but come on, how many people haven't been in a similarly difficult and embarrassing spot at least a few times. Throwing them off the plane and BANNING them for the next 24 HOURS seems more than a bit extreme.


Terri said...

Glad I read the article. I thought at first you meant they were actually thrown off in flight. Who does that!!!!!???!!!

Space Mom said...

I am in a comment debate on another blog. Non parents and others seem to read more into the story than I am.

I can see if they were delaying the flight, asking the family to leave. Following the 24 hour policy was inappropriate. Lecturing the father about how to control their child, VERY inappropriate.

It's a tough balence between each person's ticket on the plane...

Robin said...

I agree. I don't know any of the real details, but if they were truly delaying the flight, then the airline had every right to (politely!) chuck their asses off the plane, but a 24-hour ban and a parenting lecture? Absolutely over the line.

Those who serve the little dictatrice. said...

This story broke while we were in Florida ... where we had flown with our toddler. Have to say that I was a little more worried than usual prepping for the flight home ... but all went well, thank goodness!