Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Virtual beach party - come shake off the doldrums

I'm in a bit of a posting slump this week. Jay hurt his leg fairly badly last week and has been laid up at home for the past three days, I've had some real issues with my own feet this week too. Thankfully I'm walking fairly well today but we were quite the sight this week hobbling around the house. What a pair. Everything else is basically fine, kids are both fine, but my energy and creativity are feeling sapped. I figured this is a good time to do what any self-respecting blogger does in a slump - make her readers do the work!

So come on, help me kick my muse in the ass again. Let's start this summer off right with a virtual beach party. Bring something to eat, something to drink, a beach chair or blanket crash out in, and bring a goodtime summer attitude. Share your favorite posts or photos. Tell me silly stories. From a look around the blogosphere I'm definitely not the only one feeling flat this week, so let's shake things up a bit around here.
I'll start things rolling - here's a big batch of frozen goodness to get this party started:

Image courtesy of Stock Food

Now who's got the chips and the music?


Susan Helene Gottfried said...

ShapeShifter don't DO backyard parties. (or Bar Mitzvahs, but we're both a few years off from that yet.)

Eric wants to play Israel, though. Maybe they'll make an exception.

Nancy said...

A slump of a posting week indeed.

A few martini's and some salsa and chips ... I'm in!

Janet said...

mmm, how about Dancin' Days, by Led Zeppelin, then Sunny Afternoon by the Kinks?

Claremont First Ward said...

I'm bringing salsa and chips. And pee in baggie and being exposed by my children in public places for laughs.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Hey, been having my own feet issues this week! So I think I'll join you.

Robin said...

The more the merrier! Hey, can someone please throw a few more hamburgers on the grill? I'm suddenly starving!

Anonymous said...

I'm bringing pita crackers and some home made hummus. And maybe a plate of pistachio baklava for dessert.

Robin said...

Hey cute cabana boy, another margarita if you please. (Oh, did I forget to mention that there's a cute cabana boy wandering around taking drink orders? If you ask him nicely he'll probably even put suntan lotion on your back...)

Shannon said...

Ooooh Cabana Boy, would you be so kind as to get me on of those yummy frozen drinks.

I am so in. Hmmmm, I think I will bring my world famous guacamole and some blood orange margaritas.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

I have a couple of funny stories to read i hope you two are comfortably on your feet again soon

Robin said...

Excellent. We've got great snacks, cool drinks, and entertainment too. Who else is in for the festivities? There's plenty of room on the beach.

Phyllis Sommer said...

ooh, i love the beach, especially in israel. count me in. plus, in virtual-beach-land, no sand in your drinks!

deedee said...

Those drinks would definietly bring me out of any slump I'm in!!!

Daisy said...

I'll bring chips! Husband makes a mean guacamole dip, too.

Robin said...

Great, you can never have too much guacamole!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, those drinks look really refreshing!

Summer, Summer, Summertime!!That's the song I have stuck in my head right now.

Mmmmmmm...I made some delicious guacamole too, and a light Penne pasta with zucchini.

Anonymous said...

Chips, guac, margaritas, and loud music. I'm in! I'm in a bit of a slump too, so let's party! :)

Lea said...

I'm late!!!!


For that is one special muse!!! I heard that your muse has taken a cruise... off to exotic lands where no feet or hurt legs need work themselves into a running frenzy, but can kick (yes a stupid pun) back and soak up the beauty of whatever is around them...

I'm actually working up to making a post, don't hold your breath though! I finished the magic box today and want to do one on magic wands... are you catching the magic theme here... oh to click those fingers or twitch that nose and set things right...

Instead, I will gladly take one of those frozen things you're offering and hopefully there are some chips and dip left, because I definitely here the music!!!


Irene said...

I know I am late, but boy would I love to join you!!!

Robin said...

Come on in, the party's still going strong :).

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Well, since the party is still going strong ... I brought desserts and an award of happiness :-) Come by my blog to pick up your award.

I also have an ice cream recipe round up coming up in July and who couldn't use some ice cream on a hot day in the desert? Maybe it's just the thing to refresh you muse.

Anonymous said...

How about a jar of sizzling roasted pine nuts? ;)