Thursday, September 18, 2008

TT - 13 things I could have bought instead of a new washing machine

Ugh. There is some majorly bad appliance karma in this house right now. First the dishwasher, then the air conditioner, then the washing machine, and now the dryer is suddenly squeaking. I think I'm going to have to sacrifice a small toaster to the appliance gods or something to put a stop to this before I go completely broke.

Bearing in mind that appliances are quite a bit more expensive here in Israel than they are in the US (repairs too - to fix the thing would have been $300), here are 13 things I could have spent my money on instead of having to buy a new washing machine this week:

1. A flat screen tv

2. A week at a swanky B&B here in Israel

3. New furniture for Maya's room

4. Five months of weekly cleaning services

5. Two airline tickets to Europe (someplace closer)

6. 16 months worth of gym fees

7. Jewelry (a girl can dream)

8. 8-10 very nice dinners out (not including babysitting)

9. Two months of the kids' afternoon program

10. 10-12 pairs of shoes

11. A whole new wardrobe

12. The kids' after-school activities for the entire year, with change

13. A new desktop computer

Keep your fingers crossed that the dryer hangs on for a while, would ya?

Hope your week has been more successful than mine. Happy
Thursday Thirteen.


Anonymous said...

Ugh is right. Well, we're right there with you spending $$ on things we'd rather not - new front window and furnace. Cha-ching. (shudder)

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Yeah, but could you have bought a lifetime of new clothes so that you can replace the dirty stuff?

I'm hoping for better appliance karma for you. Maybe it's a run-up to Rosh Hashanah? A signal that things around you will be shiny and new?

Janet said...

Isn't that what having kids is for? Have them wash the clothes down by the river and buy all those other things :-)

Jill said...

Oh... what a bummer! Amazing how expensive things are - and how you're left with little time to really bargain shop (when you can of course) when you're in dire need!

Claremont First Ward said...

Really enjoyed this was fun to see 13 things that roughly equal the price of a washing machine. You'd better give a sacrifice soon....someone is not happy with you. :)

Anonymous said...

They do seem to go out all at once some times! Those would be some fun purchases. Maybe someday...

Anonymous said...

Can you train your children to wash your clothes and dishes? Just a thought!

L^2 said...

Oh I know exactly how this goes!

A couple of weeks ago I had to buy a replacement part for my dryer and that little tiny part cost me almost as much as I paid for the dryer in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I want a TV I can hang on the wall like a picture. One that doesn't get so hot it could burn the house down.

Anonymous said...

My waffle iron died in the middle of making breakfast. One waffle for OC and then a doughy glob .... That's a bit of karma I didn't want, so I am returning it to you.

anthonynorth said...

We've recently had a spate of appliance break downs. Amazing how they so often come together.

SandyCarlson said...

Buying appliances is like buying underwear. No fun but necessary!

Darla said...

Ouch! We had some fun like that this summer--on top of all the expected expenses, my son's car needed repairs that ended up costing as much as the car. What we could have done with that money.... *sigh* I don't like to think about it.

Mia Celeste said...

Oh isn't always the way it goes with appliances. My washer and dryer went together, but that was a few years back--when my stove was also in its death throws. Now it's my microwave I'm worried about. Happy TT anyway.

melissa6 said...

I seem to have the same bad luck....but the weather here is so perfect for drying outside.....I know it's more hassle but it smells so much nicer too!!!!

Robin said...

I do dry a lot outside, but some things I really prefer in the dryer :).

Meju said...

Your toaster comment had me in tears! Hope things turn around in appliance land, and soon! Happy TT.

Patsy said...

I feel your pain. If it isn't one thing it's a another around here too. There is only so much money and so many need/wants. You made me smile this morning. :)

LA Day said...

Is there such a thing as an appliance unhexing spell?

Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I've had to replace our stove and fridge in the last few years. The dishwasher is on its last leg. Maintaining a home can be expensive. Wish I could call the landlord.

Last night I had a dream that my car broke down and was going to cost $2,000 to fix and the mechanic was Mark Shields!

storyteller said...

We’ve all been there and can empathize with the frustrations. That said … I recently replaced MY washing machine and figure the dryer, dishwasher, and possibly water heater are soon to follow. In the words of Gilda Radner, “It’s always something!” … sigh!
Hugs and blessings,

Preethi said...

lol.. sounds like the story of my life!!

Qtpies7 said...

For us, it is either the appliances, one after another, or cars, one after another, or, just to mix it up, every appliance and car at the same time. Love those moments.
I also love how my appliances and cars KNOW when we are getting extra money and break down right then so I can't buy something fun or pay off debts.

Emma Sanders said...

I understand. I've had to replace my dishwasher and washing machine in the last few months. I'd much rather spend money on something else! Good list!

Anonymous said...

OUCH! That stinks! Bright side-at least you don't have to TT 13 things you could be doing instead of washing dishes by hand. :)

pussreboots said...

Good vibes to your dryer. Happy TT.

Anonymous said...

I see jewelry - but dude, you live in Israel - DIAMONDS!! ;)

Sorry about the washer -that really stinks especially when you just got back from your big trip.


Shannon said...

Bummer. I am sorry that your appliances are all making their way to the appliance grave yard. Nothing like all of them kicking it at the same time. I do hope that the dryer holds on long enough for you to get to splurge on something a bit more fun.

Denise Patrick said...

Sorry to hear about your bad appliance karma. I'll be hoping that your dryer hangs on for a while longer, so you don't have to buy a new one until you at least have the money for it.

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Oh sigh, how I hate that too : appliances that break down, and also : house repairs. Very recognizable to think what you could have done with that money :-) I'll keep my fingers crossed for the dryer !

Lori said...

Ya, but what good are new clothes if you cant wash them???lol...Happy TT and thanks for stopping by:)

Wendy said...

New to TT and posted my first one today. I love your list! I could use a new TV, ours died and we are using a very small one until we find just the right flat screen AND have a few more funds in the jar. You did come up with some better alternatives to the bore of an appliance. There are other things I hate to spend money on.... pans, sheets, and towels!

Dawn Fortune said...

I have to say that I am simply astounded by human nature. You post a list of things you'd rather spend money on than getting a new appliance, and you get 32 freakin' comments! I write passionate screeds about the injustice in the world and I get one or two notes, usually saying "You go, girl!" or "get a life." Perhaps I shall begin posting about furniture. Or appliances. I tried posting about tools and those I lost to the recent flood in my basement, but I think that got six comments at most. This is truly discouraging.
Kudos to you though! Nice piece.

Anonymous said...

hmmm. i'd have gone with the swanky b&b! i love staying anywhere that i don't have to clean up afterwards. :) fingers crossed for your dryer!

Nihal said...

Smiling Hello:)
Interesting journal this one. Enjoying to read the most recent ones. Shall be back soon to explore more.

All the Best.

N at CrossRoads

Phyllis Sommer said...

look on the bright side: clean clothes!

shabbat shalom!

Malcolm said...

I feel for you. It seems like when one appliance goes on the fritz, several others follow suit. Good luck.

Maria Verivaki said...

sounds like you needed that appliance, while the 13-list is extras. i can't do without my washing machine, the computer or the car - take away all the other rubbish i accumulaters and chucked out after a few months of use, i need those three more than others...