Yup, it's a meme. Sunshine tagged me for this one a while back and since we're getting down to the NaBloPoMo homestretch it was high time to pull it out. Sunshine's always fun to read, and she's got fabulous taste in music ;-). The meme even comes with its own nifty award, which will go beautifully with the lovely one that Dawn from Weldable Cookies passed my way. I love reading Dawn's blog. Her life and experiences are so very different from mine that it really underscores how underneath it all people are so much more alike than they are different. She's got a heart of gold and apparently golden hands too, I'd wish I could get her over here to tackle a bunch of projects around my house too!
Now without further ado...
First the meme, and then The Granting Of The Awards (can you hear the drumroll?):
1. Where is your cell phone? Either in my bag or in a basket on a side table. Not sure.
2. Where is your significant other? Work
3. Your hair colour? Auburn with wayyyyy too many dark and gray roots showing (MUST get to the hairdresser this week!)
4. Your mother? At home in New England, I'd imagine
5. Your father? Same
6. Your favourite thing? My family and friends
7. Your dream last night? Something very odd involving the characters from Grey's Anatomy. I don't remember the details, but we've finally just gotten caught up to the current episode and I've obviously been watching way too many in a row in our quest to catch up to the current episode (finally made it last night - and while we're on the subject, Izzie is really sleeping with a ghost? Come on! Jumping the shark anyone?)
8. Your dream/goal? to see my children grow up to be happy, healthy adults, successful in whatever path they choose
9. The room you're in? living/dining room (open plan)
10. Your hobby? blogging and photography
11. Your fear? I've got some heavy duty ones, but how about we just go with bugs for now, okay?
12. Where do you want to be in six years? Right here.
13. Where were you last night? Home, recuperating from an afternoon of company
14. What you're not? Drinking coffee. Need to fix that.
15. One of your wish list items? an updated version of PSE - should be getting that in just a few weeks, and it should be a LOT easier to work with!
16. Where you grew up? Suburban NY
17. The last thing you did? Ate some leftover tortilla chips
18. What are you wearing? jeans and a tank top
19. Your TV? off
20. Your pet? the last fish finally died, so none. We're thinking about getting an aquarium though.
21. Your computer? piece of crap provided by my company
22. Your mood? not bad
23. Missing someone? Yes. Since I finally joined Facebook I've been feeling very nostalgic and missing a bunch of old friends.
24. Your car? nothing special
25. Something you're not wearing? socks and shoes
26. Favourite store? The gourmet place down the road, and Target, where I can get hundreds of dollars worth of stuff I never knew I needed in the first place LOL. (It becomes a bit of a pilgrimage when you don't have regular access to one.)
27. Your summer? Long, hot, dry and wonderful
28. Love someone? three someones :-)
29. Your favourite colour? changes from day to day
30. Last time you cried? Last week
31. When is the last time you laughed? Maya cracked me up this morning
Now for the bling :-)
From Sunshine - this one goes with the meme, so snag it for yourself if you grab the meme. I'll award it to anyone who needs a little extra help with blog fodder this month:

And this lovely one came from Dawn, who made my head swell with her kind words about my blog and my photography. I'm going to pass it along to Stacey from Is There Any Mommy Out There? whose writing can make me keel over with laughter or well up with tears, AND, she's just packed up three young children and taken them to live on Saipan for three months, to Leora from Here in HP, whose blog runs the gamut from deep thoughts about religion to recipes to lovely photos and original artwork, and to Elizabeth from Planet Nomad and Grace at Sandier Pastures for sharing glimpses into their lives in far away places so different from my own. Grace has just received a new camera, too, and is becoming quite the shutterbug.
Happy reading :-).

PS I know someone else tagged me for a meme about two weeks ago, but for the life of me I can't remember who it was. Speak up and remind me, would you? I'm not ignoring you on purpose.
Thank you so much, Robin! I'm loving the new camera alright but I'm wanting Photoshop - time to terrorize the husband again. :-)
Thanks for the award! Love ya! I'll grab the meme while I'm here too. I love memes.
Oooh, I just looked at my incoming links, and what a nice surprise! Will visit the other bloggers.
Glad you're laughing more than you're crying!
I had some downtime; "ME" time today and I spent it meandering around the internet. 'Keep moving people. Nothing to see here.' and I somehow found myself reading your blog. And reading, and reading. Not commenting (sorry) but I was too busy reading, and reading.
For some reason, this old woman is now very relaxed and appreciative of people like you who write blogs.
Hey thanks for playing along--that was fun. I'm honored that you enjoy my posts. I get a kick out of yours too. You've definitely earned that award.
Heh heh heh--I think that other mystery tagger was me again. I'll send ya a link to the other one :)
Sunshine's Other Meme Tag
you mention that we're in the "homestretch" -- unless i've missed a day somewhere, this nablopomo seemed much easier than the last one for me....i didn't even notice that the month was almost over!
Great meme. Love learning more about about my bloggy friends!
i SO agree about grey's anatomy. izzie's storylines are getting dumber and dumber. not that i mind really since i don't like the actress who plays her. i'm secretly hoping this is the shows way of killing her off. :)
Finally, I passed this on:
Award and a meme
Oh, how wonderful, what a fantastic surprise. I just logged on to my reader thinking how horribly far behind I was going to be, came to one of my favorites first (you of course) and found that I had missed this by a few days. Thank you! Your words gave me a huge lift tonight and the affection is definitely mutual.
I really like this meme. And your answers. I'll file the link away and do it on my own blog someday.
Thank you!! What a nice surprise.
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