Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's over. Everything is fine.

I don't have much time but I didn't want to leave everyone hanging.

To make a very long, very frightening story short we've had quite a health scare with Itai after he starting having debilitating headaches and complaining of double vision after a minor illness a few weeks ago.

Two visits to the pediatrician, two visits to eye doctors, an entire morning at the specialty children's eye hospital (after they had us jump a 6 month queue to be seen right away), one MRI (again, you must jump the queue and be seen within the week) and one visit to the head of pediatric neurosurgery at a leading children's hospital (this afternoon) later we can now say conclusively that he is completely healthy.

He apparently had some form of viral meningitis which has now resolved, which is what caused the headaches and exacerbated the vision problems. He's also got the same weakness with the muscles in his eyes that I have, which is what caused the underlying double vision, and will most likely have to do eye exercises (as I did for years as a child). We'll find out at our follow up visit to the eye hospital at the end of March.

Most importantly and overshadowing all else though, he is FINE. His brain is FINE. There are no lesions, tumors, or anything else that there shouldn't be. There is, to quote the neurosurgeon, absolutely no cause for concern.

God I'm glad that's over.

Thank you everyone for all the support and virtual hand-holding, even without knowing what you were supporting. It meant a great deal to me.


Fairly Odd Mother said...

Wow, Robin, scary stuff. So glad he is ok. Hugs to you all and have a relaxing weekend!

Dawn Fortune said...

How utterly terrifying! I am so glad your wee one is okay. What a frightening thing. My stomach sank and lurched as I read. I am so glad it all came out ok in the end. Thank heavens.
Blessings to you and your family.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

I am so glad - that is so scary - I am glad it is over and you can breathe:)

Jientje said...

Phew!!!! So glad no harm has come to you or your loved ones! It must have been awful!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God Oh my God OH MY GOD! I have goose bumps. I'm so glad he's okay. I can't really put into words how relieved I am he's ok. Give that sweet boy a big hug for me, and since it's morning here and I haven't fallen into morning wine drinking (yet) I'll lift my coffee cup to you in mom solidarity. Oh hon. Whew.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Holy smoke. You know I've been thinking of you and am SO relieved to hear a happy ending.

You know I'm here if you ever need a hand to hold.

Dianne said...

I am so relieved for you!! what a tense and scary time - all my best

Anonymous said...

poor little guy! so glad that everything turned out okay!

Janet said...

YES!!! I'm glad Itai is ok!!!

Stephanie in Idaho said...

Oh, that was SCARY. I didn't respond to your 'stressful week' post, because I was worried and didn't want to intrude.

I am intruding now. I prayed, for what I didn't know but I knew that HE knew what I was praying for. Glad to know that all is well.

So scary for you, I can't imagine how I would have held up if it were one of my own children....

Daryl said...

As my late mother would have said: Poo Poo Poo ... thanks God!

Mojo said...

I think this is what the phrase "waiting to exhale" is about. I know I've been waiting. And hoping and praying and well... I did stop short of animal sacrifice, but just barely.

I'm so happy to hear this news... you just don't know.

Anonymous said...

You can breathe now.


josie2shoes said...

This is the best story in blogland today because the outcome couldn't be more perfect!! This had to be a terrifying experience for your family and I'm so glad it's over!

Mozi Esme said...

What a relief! I'm so glad...

Nalini Prasanna said...

Im glad everything is fine now!

bichonpawz said...

Thanks heavens that everything is all right. I am so happy for you all. I'm sure it was stressful on the little guy too.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Robin..That is terrifying. I am so happy that you were able to get the tests quickly. You all must have been scared to death...I am glad that it wasn't more serious even though meningitis is am so sorry about this....Michelle

anymommy said...

Awful. I'm so glad his beautiful brain is in perfect shape. I can't imagine how terrified you were this week. Hope you did something really relaxing and then got a good night's sleep.

Phyllis Sommer said...


So good to celebrate irl .... So fun!

deedee said...

Oh good. That all must have been so scary. Virtual hugs :)

Anonymous said...

Hello stranger friend:

I am the mother of two sons. How scary for you. So glad it is resolved.


PS I love your blog!

Spacemom said...

Very scary stuff indeed! I am SO GLAD he is feeling better!

Spacemom said...

Very scary stuff indeed! I am SO GLAD he is feeling better!

Lea said...

I am so glad Robin that all is returning to normal and that Itai is OK. That is the scariest thing of all, to not know what is happening when it concerns your children.

I hope this weekend is a great one with no stress, but taking the time to just be and letting go of all the adrenalin you've had going...

You are such a good mom...

Anonymous said...

Oh GIRL! I've been without internet service half the week (posting at the coffeehouse and not reading). I am so glad that it's all good again! Bless your heart. Nothing is scarier than having a child fall ill!

followthatdog said...

Thanks for the update. That is so terrifying. Glad to hear he is ok.

Anonymous said...

That's very good news! Thank goodness!!!

Gilit Frank said...

As they say in Hebrew, YESH! Or rather, in this case, EIN! As in EIN GIDUL!!!!!!!!

I was worried all week - thanks for writing this in the blog, cause I was afraid to call you!!!

Ralph said...

we know that feeling. Our daughter Allegra had a spell with powerful bright lights that seemed to briefly incapacitate her when she was nine (1998). She had a CAT scan, and closed MRI among other things. She had three episodes over a few months. But the pediatric neurologist suggested it might be hormones, and we should contact him if she had another episode to look further.

She never had another! And is 20 now, and fine. Maybe it was just hormones. But parents will still be it shoild be!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm glad to hear he's well. The word meningitis is a scary one, that's for sure.

Sooo. How are YOU after going through that?

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Nothing but a child can bring on that kind of worry and fear. I'm so glad he is OK. You must be feeling extremely relieved. So glad everything is OK. :)

Anonymous said...

Good heavens! I had no idea! I'm so glad that Itai is okay and that there are no lasting effects. What a scary thing for all of you to go through. I'm sending up prayers of thanks for a happy outcome.

"Sunshine" said...

Thank goodness the little man's okay. No wonder you were so stressed. Hope everything is returning to normal for you and your family.

RA said...

Dear Robin, this is great news. I'm happy for you and your family. As a mother of two, I can imagine how horrible and devastating this situation was for all of you. Best wishes :)

Marguerite said...

I am SO glad that Itai is okay. How scary and stressful for all of you. Even 'tho we didn't know what was going on, you were in our thoughts and prayers all along. Take care! :)

marLou said...

I'm glad to hear all is well and you were able to find out what was wrong. Good wishes to you all!

RivkA with a capital A said...

you must have been really worried! glad everything is allright!

Anonymous said...

That must have been so scary! I had no idea Robin but I am glad everyting is fine now.

I know the feeling - when our kids are sick it consumes us so much, worries us to no end. Glad you are out of the dark tunnel!

Libby's Library said...

I am so very glad that everything is okay now. It must have been one heck of a week for you all!

Thanks for the comment the other day. It meant a lot to me!

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh no........I'm so glad he's on the mend and that they caught the meningitis. How scary.....scary, scary.

Baila said...

I know I'm late, but I am really glad its nothing....

Anonymous said...

I've been wondering about you since reading your cryptic post awhile back. I'm really glad to know that everything is okay, and, believe it or not, I can imagine EXACTLY how scared you were. Worrying for your child at that level is terrifying.