Monday, February 9, 2009

Red Velvet Cake

Because I prefer not to dwell on what are likely to be utterly abysmal election results in Israel's national election Tuesday...
In the spirit of Valentine's Day and Ruby Tuesday and Hapoel Tel Aviv and all things red, I give you:
My thoughts:
Recipe: (see above link for the full recipe) While the batter started out quite red, the finished product was a much more sedate reddish-brown. I did use gel coloring instead of liquid (as per the gel option in the recipe), but the gel is pretty potent stuff so I doubt that was the reason. Whatever the color, it was delicious. Rich, but not overly heavy, and the cream cheese frosting was divine. If I make it again I'll stop at two layers though, and use the rest of the batter for cupcakes - that third layer looked very elegant, but it made the cake ridiculously high.
Decoration: I'd intended to stick a fondant rose on the top of the cake but forgot to get one. Luckily our GNI hostess with the mostess had a perfect pomegranate just sitting on her counter waiting for my cake to come along, and the idea that we use it. It was a stroke of brilliance, the slight tartness of the pomegranate was a great balance for the sweet frosting.
Proof that the batter really did start out red


And the kicker? I'm on a diet - out of this entire cake I only had three bites! I've still got leftovers on my table and I am very steadfastly not eating them. Sheesh.



Janet said...

mmm...ironically enough, I had a small slice of red velvet cake here at work today for the office birthdays! Yum :-)

Anonymous said...

so what time should we be at your place for cake?! :)

A Gilmore Girls Fan said...

YUM! That looks beautiful and delicious.

RivkA with a capital A said...


I want to come for cake too!!

(better yet, you can come bring some to me!!)


It's not fair to post something that yummy looking!!

Claremont First Ward said...

I've always wanted to try red velvet cake. I think I will this Valentine's day!

Anonymous said...

Very impressive! Congratulations.

Felisol said...

Hello, Robin,
A wonderful cake. Could lead me right into temptation.
i have never before seen a cake of this size.
And with cream cheese frosting. Mmm.
I think the good Lord did wisely not giving me the gift of being a good baker (oh, I have some stories from the ancient days when I thought birthday cakes had to be made by the mother.)
I am gaining wight just from looking at your cake.
What a brilliant idea using pomegranates.
Tasty and good looking.
From Felisol

Anonymous said...

Now I envy those layers! Your frosting is perfect too!!! Yum!

Anna said...

YUM!!! I'd love a piece of that cake! Great shots of both the cake and the batter too!

EG CameraGirl said...

This looks great, Robin. Save some for me...I'm on the next plane to Israel. ;-)

Phyllis Sommer said... me a piece! i'll be in town at the end of the month - lol!

seriously, they still haven't released a schedule (that i've seen) of the convention! how annoying is that!???

Dora said...

I'm going to grab a piece! Looks so yummy.;)

Happy RT.

Ralph said...

Red berries and chocolate - a perfect pairing. A luscious cake such as this makes one forget not just about politics - but everything else, too. At least one slice with a cappuccino to accompany lets you dream for 15 minutes or so....

Libby's Library said...

Please send me a two slices. Thank you
(And don't forget the milk!)

Maribeth said...

Beautiful cake! I wish I'd been there!

Nancy said...

Oh My! I congratulate you ... not on the cake, on not eating it!!!
(3 bites don't count)

Marguerite said...

Red velvet is one of my favorites! I don't think I could stop at 3 layer, maybe. But not 3bites! Yummy.

Leora said...

That is just such a luscious cake. Yum, yum, triple yummy.

I'm so glad I can just read election results and not have to have an opinion or make a decision.

eastcoastlife said...

This looks like a great cake for Valentine's Day! I'm going to try this.

Anonymous said...

Oh nuts..I am on a diet and really hungry now..LOL

bichonpawz said...

That cake looks great!! And you are much more disciplined than I will ever be.....I would have had to have at least one whole slice!! Must try this recipe! Thank you for sharing!!

Catherine said...

Not ridiculously high, Robin. Just enough high to share with us, Ruby Tuesday participants.
I'm sure it's as tasty as it looks.
This Red pomegranate gives an exotic touch.
I had already noted your Red Kitchen Aid mixer in your header ! So .....jealous.

Becky said...

Very beautiful and I love the idea of decorating it with pomegranate seeds. Red Velvet cakes seem to be gaining an upsurge in popularity these days.

My RT is up. here, if you get a chance to stop by.

Maribeth said...

Anneliese is in Heat! We leave on Friday for Germany!!!

Dianne said...

wow you've got will power!

my DIL makes red velvet cupcakes a lot and always says the color is never quite right

the cake is gorgeous!!

Raven said...

Oh, my but that looks yummy... Love the pomegranate decoration too!

Hope the elections turn out better than you expect.

Anonymous said...

what is buttermilk called in israel... I feel like Ive never seen it there before?

marcia@joyismygoal said...

How smooth and pretty

♥ Kathy said...

MMMM looks delicious!

Pia K said...

Oh, that batter looks lovely and the cake so pretty, I've always fancied that name so now perhaps I'll make one myself. ALthough I'm no fan of frosting so I think I'll skip that part and... well do something else:)

Jientje said...

You are so brave!!! That cake looks delicious!!! BUT it's too big for only two people and I'm trying to loose weight too, so... I'll skip the recipe, ... for now!!
What a great RT post, Robin, I love that last picture of your red robot with that batter!!!

Tink *~*~* said...

wow, it sure did start out red - holy smokes! I've been trying to think of why it went brown, and all I can come up with is that, well gosh darnit, things turn brown when you cook 'em! LOL, I know, highly scientific of me. I dunno, I have no clue, sorry!

Tink *~*~*
NEW at My Mobile Adventures *~*~*: RED Signs at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Amber Star said...

That is indeed a very red velvet cake and it was a stroke of genius to use the pomegranate seeds on it, too. Now I'm hungry and all. :)

Carletta said...

I love red velvet cake! This looks delicious and high - nice big slices. :)
You have to wonder though looking at that mixer - just what does that red ink do to our insides.
Too much thinking - pass the cake!!

Lea said...

That cake is gorgeous!!! I am very glad that I am over here and not over there, or there wouldn't be a crumb or cranberry left!!!!

Mel said...

That looks yummy!!!

Gail said...

That cake looks yummy!

Kilauea Poetry said...

That is one lovely cake! I bet its delicious with coffee!! And your on a diet...oh girl!