Our new toy isn't strictly a summertime toy, more of a year-rounder, but since we got it in the beginning of the summer and are spending many summer days (and nights!) in and around it - and since it involves summer clothing - I figure it works for Summer Stock. I'm a risk-taker that way.
This particular toy was a long time coming. I've wanted one for as long as I can remember. Ever since my parents waited until I moved halfway across the world to put in one of their own in fact. (Wasn't that sweet of them? Wait until the kids leave then start living it up! Yeah, that's what I thought. What do you mean supporting kids is expensive, and they didn't have any extra disposable income until their two
The very first time we came to look at this flat back when we were househunting I took one look at the completely empty rooftop patio and said "there! That's the spot for the hot tub." It took twelve more years (and a very large and scary crane capable of reaching the ninth floor) to turn that dream into reality but at long last it has, and oh boy are we enjoying it.

Click to enlarge
.The most fun was the fact that we didn't tell the kids anything until it was actually standing on the roof ready for use. At first we didn't want to deal with the atomic-level disappointment that would result if the structural engineer said it was a no-go, and then we figured that heck, we've kept it a secret this long, why not a few more days. So we did.
And this is what happened when they found out:
I think it was a hit, don't you?
What are you all up to this fine summer week? Got those hot dogs and steaks on the grill? Cold beer in the cooler? Planning a vacation somewhere, or a fabulous staycation? Don't forget to sign the linkie once your Summer Stock post is up so we can all share some summertime fun.
Robin, I would act just the same way the kids did if I got a jacuzzi! Ha! My Summer Stock Sunday is up! :)
Did they have to lift it over the house to get it into the backyard? Yikes! But worth it I must say! :)
Okay, feel free to teach me how to have happy kids who don't snipe at each other all summer long...
Mazel Tov on the new toy. Use it in good health and no more muscle aches!
We're in a high-rise Mary - they had to lift it up to our 9th floor rooftop patio! Later this week I'll share the photos of the crane taking down two trees that had grown too high for the roof - now THAT was scary!
Robin I fixed my link (so sorry!) Only you can eliminate the first one which doesn't work...
OMG! Robin! I didn't know! What a job! I'm glad you told me and I'll be back to read the story of getting the jacuzzi up to the 9th floor! :)
For some reason Blogger's not showing me as logged in right now Mary, so I can't delete it yet. It's late at night here now so I'll have to try again in the morning. In the meantime I'm sure people will figure it out :).
I myself think that was a big hit. Loved the video. And keeping it a suprise - well done :)
I am still trying to see the video - but it says: not available now - I'll keep trying - I bet the kids broke the world record on excitement. I hope you still will have time posting - you may find out you don't want to come out of the water! Use sunscreen - my nose is red cause I forgot yesterday. Bozo the clown has competition in my face :)
I saw it finaly! Love the little dance your boy did on the ground - with the kicking move :) Hope you enjoy the watery bubly fun whole summer!
That is a cool thing to have, i often look at those when we go to shows and events where they have them for sale and one is set up bubbling away.
Very relaxing!
I think your children were excited...hehe
I will be playing soon, i have been on holiday and have also been having pc problems. I am trying to catch up with things on here and when i am sorted out i shall get back into memes including this one.
Nice. Love the video!
I'd love to have one of those babies on my back porch!
Thanks for hosting Summer Stock Sunday.
Oh, I love the video! And hearing your voice, too! What an amazing feat, getting the jacuzzi up there. But how happy everyone looks in the center photograph.
now that is a great rooftop toy!
i don't have a sss picture post this week since i had to host haveil havalim - so i gave you a link over there instead;-)
Lovely surprise for the kids.
Year round fun for you all.
That is excitement!
Joy and laughter is contagious - thanks!
Looking forward to seeing the "How did they do that".
Wow, titchadshu!
Very nice. I miss my hot tub.
That looks so exciting, crane and all!
This looks great! I'd love to have something like this. The video is funny.
It looks like you are in for a great summer. Of course it could be pretty fun on winter evenings as well.
Robin! That is PRICELESS! How very cool that you were able to keep that secret! Amazing! I have always wanted one too... I guess I have to wait until the last one moves out -- that would be my HUSBAND! LOL! No jacuzzi for me... ENJOY yours!!!
Enjoyed the video, great post!
Now that's a pretty special way to dive into summer .. mazel tov .. enjoy!
And thank you for linking me... xo
that's fabulous! they were so happy :)
your roof deck is beautiful!
I am smiling and jumping up and down with your kids.
That looks like fun!
very Good. I could use one of those today.
Too much fun for all! I love roof gardens. Are they as common then in the cities of Israel as they are in Greece? I loved traveling there and seeing the greenery cascading off the rooftops. So striking and surprising!
I'd be jumping up and down the same way if I had a hot tub like that in my yard!!! Very cool! I just love them. Sometimes we do a "staycation" at a nearby hotel and water park just for the sheer pleasure of soaking in the hot tub!!!!
Oh, yes! Definitely a big hit! That was quite an undertaking! You really had to have wanted the hot tub quite badly to go to such lengths! I'll bet it was worth it, too!
Our kids loved our hot tub so much! I'm sure you will all get much enjoyment from it!
Robin, the link to the Festival of Light is www.lightinjerusalem.org.il
but tonight it does not seem to be working.
It is from about 8:00 or dusk until 11:00 pm. June 10-16.
I received a printed booklet about the events and installations in Hebrew inside Jaffa Gate, outside the Tourist Office. Also a map of the events and maslulim, in English.
You can Google to find articles in the Israeli press in English, e.g
So fun! I just love their reaction. Great summertime photo and toy.
This Sunday its all about the Flag since today is National Flag Day!
Wishing you a red, white and blue day!
Sure appear that it was a hit! And I made it just under the wire -- it's still Sunday here in my part of the world (albeit just barely!)
So awesome!!! So jealous!! ENJOY!!
I know you'll enjoy your new goodie, we love ours but with the water shortage we decided to fill only the pool for the girls right now (sob!)I love the whole post you put together this week very cool stuff!
Ah ... brings back memories of when I acquired MY first spa. May you all enjoy it for many years to come. Your collage would 'work' for Mosaic Monday too ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Based on Itai's reaction, he and A would be the best of friends. A would react in the exact.same.way. LOL! Sigh...boys...LOL!
And I can't imagine a crane hauling that thing up 9 stories. Wow.
Wow, wow, wow!! I wish our balcony/patio were even half of what you have! I am sure they will go out for a swim everyday. Can Pristine come and play too? She loves pools! :-)
Wow! What a beautiful rooftop patio you have! I cannot even imagine them hoisting that thing high in the air to get it on the roof....you must have been holding your breath!! You all look so happy and the kids sound thrilled!! Love this post!! It screams, "Happy Summer!!"
Wow - great video. And now you have it documented. Your kids can't ever go to a psychologist and complain about a miserable childhood. You have evidence to the contrary ('bli ayin harah', as they say!!!)!!!
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