Nothing says summer in New England like fresh berries, and all the better if you climb a mountain to see a view like this
With a [insert name of large bird] soaring high overhead. (Hawk? I have no idea. Anyone out there have a guess? They seemed to be everywhere we looked on this trip.)
And then look around the meadow you've stumbled on right there at the top of the mountain to see that all those low bushes
.Are full of perfectly ripe wild blueberries, right there for the picking!
.Despite my fervent attempts at stopping time the kids are back in school and summer is rapidly drawing to a close, and suddenly we've only got one more Summer Stock left after this one. Thank you to everyone who participated this summer and helped to make Summer Stock such a success. I hope you've all enjoyed playing as much as I have, and be sure to join us next week as we close up shop until next year.
Woohoo! I'm first!! LOL!
I LOVE blueberries, I had some for breakfast this morning!!
I have no idea what bird this is, but I'm sure somebody else will know!! Loved the pictures again Robin! Too bad it's going to be the last one next week. Love it!
Wow... and All I've got is another boring old beach shot.
You're, um, really playing the food angle these days, huh? Ribs, now fresh berries... And I haven't eaten all day. I'm thinking it's time to fix that.
It was a fun summer, thanks for hosting. Did you make blueberry pancakes? yummm.
Shalom Robin! And thank you for hosting Summer Stock Sunday; I've enjoyed participating and sharing photos with so many great people.
Aren't blueberries such a pretty blue...I love that color! and they taste good too.
Very delicious blueberries, they make such lovely muffins.
Nothing is better than fresh blueberries!!! Great pictures!!
I love blueberries. If I have the strength to post more of my Cape May photos, I'll participate in Summer Stock - thanks so much for doing the meme all summer. It gave me a chance to put up photos that had no other "home."
Ohhhhhh! All that's missing is a BEAR! This just reminds me of the story book, Blueberries For Sal! I LOVE it!!!
mmm....beautiful!!!!! blueberries are such a summer delight.
Winding down for summer over at my blog ... even tho I took it in the middle of July, it makes me think of fall ...
LOVE that berry shot!
Glorious, Robin! I love discovering blueberries in the woods. Right now they're everywhere. I always think of them as giggling until you can hear them, so you can find them and pick them.
Sorry I'm late, Robin but better late than never, right? :)
I think that's a hawk, Robin. When we hiked up into the mountains in NY, VT, NH we always saw hawks gliding and dipping. Marveloous sight! :)
Mmm...mountain blueberries. Reminds me of Big Meadow in Virginia. I wonder...do wild blueberries have a distinctively different taste than cultivated ones, as they say is true also of strawberries?
I love forest blueberries! In Finland where I am from, I love to pick up wild blueberries that are so healthy and yummy compared with the tasteless cultivated blueberries.
Lovely pictures!
The blueberries look delish and I agree with Mary - definitely a hawk! I'm participating this week, but since I'm at work, I can't find a place to post my link. I've enjoyed your meme, I just wish summer never had to end!
Hope this is OK:
Lovely photos. Berry picking was on my list of to dos this summer but just like so many other things, it just didn't happen.
I can't believe summer stock is over and I never even participated. I am so sorry and I will get it together next summer (or whenever you decide to start something new).
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