Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where I went on my summer vacation, by Robin, age 40

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Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what else isn't being said this week.


Mojo said...

I hope you spent a little time on the ground there too. Looks like paradise! (Kidding. I WAS KIDDING.)

Hope you're feeling better darlin'.

And as my old pal G-Man would say...

quilly said...

I was going to say, "Seems like you were a bit up in the air" but Mojo sort of beat me to it!

Lovely. The New England states and Florida are the only parts of the U.S. I've yet to visit.

Jael said...

That looks exactly like in Finland, forests and lakes.Lovely picture, and what a great looking place for a vacation:-)

Anonymous said...

It's such a beautiful place from the air.

kayerj said...

It looks as lovely from the air as it did in your previous pictures.

Ms. Latina said...

What a beautiful place! It must have been so tranquil =)

Happy WW Robin!

catsynth said...

That's quite a panorama. I'm always curious what it must be like to be on those little islands in the middle of a lake.

Robin said...

They're both inhabited (seasonally). The smaller one has a summer cottage that looks like it would be great fun, though quite a challenge to just dash out for a quart of milk.

Stan said...

Looks like you had a nice vacation and got to travel. I don't think that's in Israel.

Jientje said...

I had some catching up to do here Robin, I hope you're feeling better today? Loved the detail of that door in you sepia post too, and this looks like a wonderful place to explore!!

SandyCarlson said...

Looks like a perfectly heavenly trip. I hope you enjoyed New England.

annalarssonphotography said...

Looks beautiful!
I hope you've had a great trip Robin :)

jams o donnell said...

Wow looks a great place to have a holiday! Happy WW

Shannon said...

Great photo!

Daryl said...

Ah to be in NH in the summer ... cool shot I bet its even more lovely when the leaves are turning .. I think you need to come back

Anonymous said...

Ok Robin age 40 you have an awesome shot here looks like you had a blast. Are you still feeling under the weather? (I guess in this shot you were over the weather ha ha ha)feel better!

Calico Crazy said...

Lovely photo, it looks like the perfect place to spend your summer vacation.

Calico Contemplations

Beth F said...

Beautiful! I wouldn't mind being there right now.

4 Lettre Words said...

Beautiful capture!

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Where ever in the world this is located it's just beautiful and looks so serene. I think it's got to be worth the trouble getting milk. Might even be worth the trouble of getting a goat :) Happy WW and 40th year Robin

Auntie E said...

Very nice, I know you had fun:-)

Dianne said...

as Daryl said, it must be amazing when the leaves are turning

incredible photo

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Beautiful. And I LOVE the title.

Mimi said...

I love the blue, blue water, it's so inviting.