Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tandem nursing taken to a whole new level

Taken at the Safari last week (or was it the week before?). Click to enlarge.
Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what else people aren't saying.


OneTiredEma said...

I seriously love this. I didn't realize that other species also tandem nurse!

kayerj said...

oh the poor mama!

Jael said...

Funny:D That big one looks like too old for nursing already....

ninja said...

...and it went to my wallpaper

Frida said...

Gorgeous picture. My daughter who is nursing her first baby said the other day.
-Mum, I don't understand how you managed two at the same time!?

Well I don't know either but I did and they are now 14 years old.

Marice said...

nice :) look at what moms can do ;)

thanks for viewing mine :)

day by day said...

that is great!!
I agree...poor Mama : )

tiarastantrums said...

I would think the big one is past nursing? looks more like a thief

Glad Hatter said...

And I complained about feeling crowded :) love the pic! I'd love one like that for my tandem nursing FB group :)

HollyB said...

That's hilarious! Thanks for the post! (poor mommy giraffe:I hated tandum nursing)

Will said...

A yearling and a new one? Cute. Happy WW!

Terri said...

That's incredible Robin! Nice capture. Aren't they gorgeous??!

Red Lotus Mama said...

Great capture!

Happy WW! Have you ever been on The London Eye? If not, here are some photos of what it is like: http://tinyurl.com/yll4225

Joanne said...

At least the mom giraffe serves her purpose ;)

Happy WW!

Janet said...

Oh Bless her heart! She could teach a lot of Mama's about good nursing! What a lovely photograph - beautifully captured! The colour of those giraffes is so much darker than the wild ones we have in South Africa! Those looks as though they have been painted! Thank you for sharing!

Stan said...

If those are twins, we've got a serious runt.

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Looks like captivity didn't keeps someone from breeding. A glimpse into what life might be like in the wild who would have guessed.

Anonymous said...

Excellent capture!

catsynth said...

Hmm, everything always looks awkward with giraffes.

Indrani said...

Beautiful picture!

Colette S said...

I was thinking too that one looks too old to be nursing :)

Pretty awesome shot!

Dragonfly Lady said...

Great shot, what was mother nature thinking! Happy WW!

cat said...

Gosh, and I thought that I had a tough job tandem nursing two one year olds at a stage. The poor momma.

Wishing 4 One said...

Reminds me of my kitty Charlie who looks to big to nurse but still does occasionally. Too cute.

Liz Mays said...

I'm all about efficiency!

Leora said...


On a limb with Claudia said...

I love the look on the Mama's face! Thanks for sharing! :)

Carver said...

That's an hilarious shot and also very touching in a way.

Reanaclaire said...

hello..greetings from www.reanaclaire.com

what a lovely shot.. mother with 2 babies..

Anonymous said...

That mommy must be going crazy one little one one big one, make me glad I am not a Giraffe! Great shot Robin!

Mojo said...

Obviously you've not watched a litter of puppies at work. This is actually pretty tame, even if the big one does look rather too mature for this (some-one's cheat-ing!).

Still you have to give credit for determination... looks like a real pain in the neck! (Well somebody had to say it.)

Calico Crazy said...

Both of the young giraffes (4 months and 16 months) still nurse, even though momma is getting less tolerant of the older one. Great capture!

Calico Contemplations

MommyLisa said...

That picture is amazing. Thank you for sharing.

imom said...

Great capture! I wouldn't want to be that mama!

Beth F said...

I've been enjoying the animal shots, Poor mommy!

Claremont First Ward said...

Now THAT momma what I call a GIVER. :)


Now there's something I've never seen before!

Stopping by on my first Wordless Wednesday :o)

Jill said...

We never did make it to the safari park.. how adorable is that!!

Scribbit said...

How funny! I had no idea the phrase "tandem nursing" even existed and now here's proof :)

Ellie said...

Daddy got jealous? :) Great catch!

Christi said...

This is such a beautiful shot! How wonderful!

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

Kewl capture ;-)
I'm catching up in my 'reader' this morning and HAD to stop to thank you for posting this one. I love giraffes!
Hugs and blessings,