Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Wanderbird at Sea

Hurray, it's fixed (my broken blog that is)!
Click to enlarge
I can't really place what I love so much about this image, but I think more than anything it's its theatrical quality, the way the crew seem almost like actors playing a scene against a sky blue enough to look like painted (enlarge the photo to really see what I mean). I'm not enough of a sailor to know whether they were coming in or going out, but whatever they were doing they were clearly enjoying every moment.
Visit Skywatch Friday for more skies from around the world.


Marju said...

Beautiful photos!

Mojo said...

"I am the Captain of the Pinafore..."

It is pretty cool I must say.

But you really gotta do something about the black-on-black.

Robin said...

I know. It's apparently broken again. I'm guessing it's an issue with the site hosting the images, I'm in touch with the designer who hosts them to hopefully get it sorted out soon. Sorry folks.

Daryl said...


Love this shot ... and the name of the ship!

EG CameraGirl said...

Blogger is having problems today, I fear. Blogger told me one of my blogs didn't exist. HUH!?! But it's back. LOL

Carver said...

That's a great shot. It does have a theatrical feel.

clairz said...

Great shot, and I loved your description of it, too. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I can see the photo and writing just fine. I agree with you about the photo. Those guys are posing, but it looks fun, doesn't it?

Claremont First Ward said...

I love that one person looks like the lookout and one is taking care of what needs to be taken care of. Hope your blog gets fixed soon......I know how frustrating that can be.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photo! Thanks for sharing your skies.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I like the sense of movement in this one.

I can see all text and images - so hopefully the problem is fixed!

bichonpawz said...

Yes, does have a theatre-like feel to it! Great shot! And I agree...blogger is very frustrating when it is not working!!!

quilly said...

I like the way the guy on the right paused to pose for you. Did he offer an autograph, too?

vincibene said...

Beautiful picture!

Anonymous said...

It looks like a beautiful sunny day and it's always fun to watch young men work. ;-)

imom said...

Gorgeous shot! They definitely look like they are enjoying themselves.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Great choice of image, a little different for skywatch.

Mimi said...

Yes, they do look as though they're enjoying themselves, and why wouldn't they?

Suki said...

Yes it does seem like a shot taken from a film! Pretty cool sailors too!

anymommy said...

I love the name of the boat too!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

That is a very cool photo. I can see what you mean about looking like actors and a painted background. It's a very crisp picture.

The Voyage of the Wanderbird said...

The website for the vessel is and the crew is in the process of raising one of the small boats up onto the deck of the Wanderbird. Great photo......thank you. Rick Miles Wanderbird

Robin said...

What a fun surprise to hear from you Rick, and thanks for the explanation. I shot the photo during a beautiful sunset cruise on the Jenny Norman. We'll have to check you guys out too if we ever get back to Rockland again.