Monday, June 20, 2011


I'd be out buying some of these deep red beauties right now - and trying hard not to eat them all before I got back - if both of my kids weren't home sick today. Looking at the empty cavern that is my refrigerator I'm afraid we'll all die of scurvy long before whatever virus this is gets us!

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
If the photo you're wishing for is something you've seen here on the blog which isn't in my etsy shop yet just let me know and I'll happily list it for you.


Felisol said...

A phenomenal variation in colours and shades in these ruby cherries.
I'd eaten them right out of the bag without giving the e-colis a thought.

Get well, really soon. Drink a lot, eating comes when the health improves.

Leora said...

Oh, you *must* send someone to the market to get you and your kids a crop of those. They would heal me from any ailment in an instant. Yum.

Feel better to everyone in the family!

Unknown said...

wow, looks yummy!

get well soon and have a great week!

Blessings. Vhen :)

here are my entries:

hope to see you there, thanks!

Daryl said...

Love cherries .. so delish, so very photographable. Hope they're both well soon and you dont catch it

kayerj said...

lovely--they are on here too, and oh my, do they taste good. have a nice day.

Liz said...

I love cherries but they are so expensive here.

My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo

Kim, USA said...

I love cherries!!

The wedding

Ralph said...

Each fruit is a perfect combination of sweet and tart, all wrapped in a ruby orb. A perfect dark red treat we would all probably consume too many of - how can we resist!

SouthLakesMom said...

They've come in at our Farmer's Market too.

These would make a GREAT photo puzzle! Can you imagine the frustration level? Wow

Sorry the kids are sick. Hope it's brief and just builds immunities for the rest of the summer to be WELL.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Oh, I just want to grab a fistful of those cherries and pop 'em in my mouth!


Woman in the scarlet coat,
Are you heading for a boat?
Or perhaps you need a bus
To get far away from us.
Whether wheels or sails you take
Don’t forget the chocolate cake
To sustain you on your way;
Red-clad damsel, now we say,
“Go with grace, enjoy the ride,
See you on the other side!”

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Faded Red Sidewalk

Dianne said...

it's awful when they're sick, especially in summer
sending hugs to all

Carletta's Captures said...

Delicious mouth watering image Robin!
Hope you and yours are feeling better soon.

Hootin Anni said...

Mmmmmmmmmmm, luscious cherries!!!

Hope y'all begin to feel better real soon.

Winston on a blanket of Flowers is my Tuesday Link. Hope to see you visiting today.

maryt/theteach said...

Love RED cherries, Robin!

Heckety said...

Poor them and poor you, hot and poorly is the absolute worst.
This photo is amazing! We rarely get cherries here, and since they are imported they cost a fortune, you see folks in the supermarket gathering around the trays just to ooh! and aah! when they arrive!
I hope your sproglets are feeling better soon and you don't go down with whatever it is!

catsynth said...

Those look great. They're in season here, too.
Stay healthy - hope whatever bug is going around goes away quickly.

Linda said...

Wonderful work!!

Come Away With Me said...

Yum, cherries! One of the (many) best things about this time of year. I hope the bug has not got you too...and everyone be well soon.

Daryl said...

I'm out of town .. can you link me tomorrow? Thanks!

bichonpawz said...

Hope everybody is feeling better! I love this cherry picture!! The colors are fabulous!! Thanks for stopping by!!

kassidy's notes said...

oh i love cherries :)

thank you for the visit.

niamh said...

Great shot, cherries are almost as summer as strawberries over here!