Monday, June 6, 2011

Tel Aviv's HaTikva Market

Doesn't this just make you want to run out and buy lots of fresh fruits and vegetables? It sure does for me, especially those gorgeous red cherries!

Visit the 2011 kickoff edition of Summer Stock Sunday for more images from my photowalk in Tel Aviv's HaTikva Market (and while we're on the subject, did you play along this week? If not, what are you waiting for - join in the fun next week with this great summer-themed photo project - the more the merrier :)).

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
If the photo you're wishing for is something you've seen here on the blog which isn't in my etsy shop yet just let me know and I'll happily list it for you.


Meri said...

Cherries, grapes, nectarines -- lots of color. I bet it smelled heavenly, too.

deedee said...

Cherries and apricots...same here!

SouthLakesMom said...

Wow -- that's what I miss most about Europe. REAL markets. We have Farmers Markets around here but they tend to be rather pretentious and definitely pricey. This looks a festival of color!

Cafe au lait said...

Mmmm cherries!

I played too. Mine are here and here.

Lola said...

Fabulous color!

Fabulous blog too!

XOXO Lola;)

Anonymous said...

MMmmmmm.... I think I can smell the fruit from here! That is beautiful in every sense of the word.

Love the colors, the vibrant, luscious fruits and the summertime flair.

Loree said...

Beautiful photo and yummy looking fruits. I love cherries.

anymommy said...

Yum! Okay, that's it, I want to come for a visit.

Marice said...

how colorful! YUM!

u may view mine too here

Gemma Wiseman said...

A healthy mass of fresh colour! O how tempting! Great photo!

Light Trigger said...

so colorful and vivid! great!

via Ruby Challenge

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Markets are always such colorful places!


Yellow or red—which shall it be?
Red for you and yellow for me?

Perhaps you’d rather have yellow instead—
Which leaves me, of course, with handfuls of red!

Whichever hue you decide to choose,
I’ll take the other—no one will lose!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Queen Liliuokalani statue in Honolulu

Carletta said...

That display makes my mouth water!
Nice shot Robin!

Luna Miranda said...

lots of colors and textures. i bet the smell of fruits was heavenly, too.:p

Leovi said...

Nice framing and beautiful colors, a nice picture.

Dianne said...

that 10 was just asking to be photographed with all the colors around it

Carol said...

WOW! Wish our markets here looked that great!

Stephanie V said...

Oh, my! That is amazing. I'm imagining some hot sun to go with the fruit.

Daryl said...

Now you have me craving fruit ... refreshing photo .. and I just noticed the new photo (new to me) of the kids . Maya is getting so tall!

Come Away With Me said...

All that fruit looks so luscious! I haven't seen any looking that good here recently.

Chubskulit Rose said...


My RT link, please come and see.

This is Belgium said...

Glad to have discovered your blog, greetings from Brussels

catsynth said...

Looks quite abundant. I have to make time to visit one of our local farmer's markets. It's a good reminder.

Heckety said...

I LOVE this photo!!!You can almost smell and taste it!