Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summer Stock Sunday - Nearly There

Amidst all the craziness that is studying for my exam (this Monday - I'm as ready as I can be, but still, aack!) I still managed a bit of fun here and there. The fact that I was double-booked for this past Thursday evening just added to the craziness. We first attended this:

Maya's final dance recital  
(Yes, a full month after school let out and all the other activities were long over, just one more reason why she will not be returning to this dance school next year. On the bright side, at least they didn't LOSE my child and not even freaking notice(!) this time - and yes, that's the main reason she will not be returning.)

And then the second Maya's group left the stage (leaving my incredibly wonderful neighbor and my son to collect Maya and bring her home where a sitter was waiting, no, don't worry about her, she gave the plan her blessing and she LOVES having sitters, so much so that I kind of worry what they're letting her get away with...) we raced out of the theater and back to our car so that we could race through Tel Aviv to the National Stadium to be on time for this:

Yes, that is Paul Simon down on that stage, and yes, he put on one absolutely incredible show - two straight hours on non-stop music - the new stuff, the single stuff, and oh so very much of the mind-blowing Simon and Garfunkel stuff. Simply incredible. Thank you Paul, and thank you MGabby19, whoever you are, for sharing your clip with us.



So what did you all get up to this week?


Dina said...

Good onya. I gotta hand it to y'all--dancers, singers, and test-takers.

Maribeth said...

Just trying to survive the heat and humidity!

Tania said...

I grew up with parents who love Simon & Garfunkel .. when I left home I bought the classic album.. long time since I've heard it now, maybe I should take it up again.
Wonderful picture of Maya!

SouthLakesMom said...

LOVE that girl's smile!

And LOVE Paul Simon. Graceland has always been my favorite work of his.

Best wishes for the exam. Just remember to BREATHE!

Mimi said...

Lovely pic of Maya.
i love Simon and Garfunkel, real classics that never dated (the songs, not the guys!)
Best of luck in your exam, Robin. you'll ace it, I know you will.

Mama Pajama said...

great shot of Maya, I love it! and right on for Paul Simon, glad to know he still rocks it! oh, and the test? you got it... : )

Come Away With Me said...

Oooooh, Paul Simon! That takes me back a few decades. I saw that he was in Israel giving this concert on Israeli TV news yesterday...we get that here, the English version, one hour a day!

Maya appears to love dancing.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

two great events to be in the audience of!

Daryl said...

Late but here! Love how poised Maya looks ... she's fabulous!

Dianne said...

Look at Maya!! Like a professional :)

you'll ace the test, I'm sure you will

Rayna eliana said...

Awesomeness!!! I love Paul Simon. Glad younhad a great time.

Leora said...

I love the shot of Maya. She looks so bright, and the others dissolve in the mist.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

GREAT shot of Maya. So much energy and excitement. And the little hands in the air behind her - just a perfect capture of youthful dance.

LOL on the double-booked thing - that nearly happened to me this weekend. Well, it did, really, but I had to cancel one of the events.

Glad you enjoyed your Paul Simon concert after so much studying.

shibori girl said...

Good luck with the exam, and wow! How lucky to hear Paul Simon in concert! He's a hero of mine from teenaged guitar playing years, long ago...


Unknown said...

What a *fabulous* picture of Maya!

Yosefa said...

I love that pic of your daughter's recital.