Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer Stock Sunday - Hurricane Irene Edition

It's Saturday night, 27 August. As I write this we're sitting in my living room back home in Israel, where the day saw bright blue skies and temperatures down to a perfectly reasonable low-90's, flying out Friday just before Irene hit the east coast. Irene's not expected to reach New Hampshire until tomorrow (and then just as a tropical storm, not a full-force hurricane) so we weren't really in any trouble leaving Boston yesterday, but my heart is with all of you in the full path of the storm and I wish you and everyone on the east coast safety for both you and your property and a speedy return of your lost power too.

In deference to Irene's fury, I thought some rain would be in order for this week's Summer Stock. These particular drops (as opposed to quite a few drops that came pouring in on us in Vermont last week and drove us from our no longer anything even close to dry tent into my parents' warm and dry, albeit suddenly very cramped, camper in the middle of the night, but nevermind) fell on a leaf by Acadia's Jordan Pond, I love the way all the little droplets reflected the light right back again. There's probably a metaphor for us all in there somewhere but I'm completely jetlagged and not feeling coherent enough to find it right now...

Stay safe and dry everyone, and check in when you can!



Tania said...

Good to hear you got home safely to Israel.
Let`s hope the people in the affected areas are in a safe place when the storm rages.
Your picture is very beautiful, with lovely light.

Dina said...

Welcome home, Robin.
Your flight's timing worked out very well.

Your photo makes me yearn for rain, well, a little rain.

Daryl said...

You sure are good at timing your exits ..

Leovi said...

With those precious drops of water, nice macro.

Mimi said...

Daryl's comment is good!
Love your photo, I alwasy admire when photographers can make rain look beautiful.
Thoughts with those in the hurricane path.

Leora said...

Glad you are safely by the Mediterranean! We are safe and dry and with power. Others not as lucky.

Love the shot with the drops.

catsynth said...

Beautiful photo with detail of the water drops. We are hoping all our friends and family in the New York area are staying safe and dry today.

Dimple said...

Nice wet droplets! It's been very dry this whole month in northern Idaho and neighboring states; I rather like it after the very long, wet spring we had, but a little rain would not come amiss!

Mimi said...

Just popped back to say thanks a mill for doing the link, that is so sweet of you.
I was in such a hurry to get back to the marmalade I forgot to do that, and to put a link on my post, but I've done my link now too.
Wish it was as easy to give you a little pot of the marmalade, i would if I could.

Come Away With Me said...

That is a beautiful photograph, Robin. And it looks so refreshing to me as I sit here in the midst of a heat wave in So Cal!

Heckety said...

Glad you are back safely. Lovely photo, refreshing.
And yup, thinking of all the folks in the path of Irene this last few days...

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Lovely water droplets shot. Very soothing.

SO glad to hear you've made it out of New England ahead of the storm. We're still bracing for it in eastern Canada. I've had a Hurricane Irene Mega Migraine for 8 days now. No one is looking forward to this storm quite like me.