Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sunday Snippets and Writing on Walls

I love shooting street art and graffiti, so when I heard about Cheryl's Writing on Walls meme I knew it was going to be right up my alley. For my first week I offer this segment of the wall outside famed muralist Rami Meiri's Tel Aviv property (click here to see more of this amazing wall). I love the way all of the artists overlap and work within and in combination with each other to create a giant collaborative riot of color.

And now for the snippets...
  • Maya spent most of the week home sick so other than too much tv watching and a lot of snuggles on the couch not much got done
  • She was finally feeling better yesterday so we spent the afternoon wandering around the flea market in Jaffa (long on character, short on quality), eating ice cream, and then walking down the beachfront promenade to our favorite Tel Aviv beach bar.
  • It was happy hour.
  • We love happy hour.
  • There was also a baby's birthday party going on. A bar, even a family-friendly one, seems like a strange location for a baby's party but hey, the food and drinks are good so why not.
  • After all, we go there with our kids too, and have since they were babies themselves.
  • While in Jaffa we came across a ridiculously large flock of pigeons.
  • They looked quite sneaky.
  • I think this is why...
So what's on your snippet list this week?

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography on Etsy and Society6 and bring home something beautiful today!
If the photo you're wishing for is something you've seen here on the blog which isn't in one of my shops yet just let me know and I'll happily list it for you.


Dina said...

Actually, it sounds to me like that was a good week you had. But glad Maya is better now.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Since we celebrate Christmas - all of my snippets involve tree decorating, cookie baking, gift shopping. And I'm not even done! Sneaking in some blog reading (I'm weeks behind) while Oliver is at a therapy appointment...

So glad to hear that Maya is feeling better!

Helen Campbell said...

I adore that mural... fabulous shot! Your snippets were fun to read. It sounds like a fun afternoon with a finally well daughter. Cheers!

Come Away With Me said...

That is very beautiful wall art. I wish the 'artists' around my neighborhood would be as creative as that.

Cheryl said...

I love the graffiti wall. It is so colourful. Thanks for playing along on my meme. I hope you will enjoy it. Jaffa sounds like a very lively and colourful place. Thanks for sharing. Hope your daughter is feeling better.

Daryl said...

No lists..just being lazy .. love street art ...

anymommy said...

I have this idea that everything in Israel is beautiful ... and you are only encouraging me with gorgeous pictures of graffiti ;-)