Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Woman with Shawl


Woman in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem (tweaked a bit for more of a painted effect - it's very dark inside the church and in the original image you could barely make out the woman at all.)

Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what other people aren't saying this week, and Wordful Wednesday to see what they are. More images from my Christmas Eve photowalk in Jerusalem's Christian Quarter can be found here and here

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography on Etsy and Society6 and bring home something beautiful today!
If the photo you're wishing for is something you've seen here on the blog which isn't in one of my shops yet just let me know and I'll happily list it for you.


bichonpawz said...

Hi there Robin! I am stopping by to say Happy New Year and Happy WW!!

Beautiful photo!

Unknown said...

This has so much character, great pic.

Here's my WW:

Happy New Year!


Leora said...

Looks like a piece from a mystery movie. Well done. It would also make a great start for a painted portrait - love all those shimmery folds.

Beth F said...

It looks like a period piece -- Lovely capture.

Dina said...

Your tweaking went well; lots of shining gold emerges.
Yeah, the darkness insides the Holy Sepulchre is a problem, not to mention those ugly new required energy-efficient light bulbs that often seem to be in the way of a good shot.
What would we photographers ever do if they started to ban photography in the Holy Sepulchre!

Leovi said...

A beautiful portrait. I hope you've had a great time for the holidays, I wish you a happy and prosperous new year 2012.

Mimi said...

Robin, you've done a great job of "tweaking", but also of taking the pic. It reminds me of a Vermeer painting, the light playing on her hair and her scarf.

Jewaicious said...

You captured a lot of emotion in this lovely photo. Happy New Year!

Daryl said...

No explanation or excuses for making a photo better .. its excellent

catsynth said...

Nice work bringing out the woman so clearly in a dark environment. That is always quite a challenge.

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Truely lovely capture of a devotional moment.

Come Away With Me said...

This is a wonderful portrait.

Stacy Uncorked said...

That is an amazing capture! Happy New Year! :)

Random 80mph Shots of Beauty

Verena said...

Have a happy new year!


Fábio Martins said...

A little bit dark but no, friend?

Barbara said...

Lovely light on her hair contrasting with the dark surround.

Robin said...

Fabio, you should have seen the straight out of the camera shot - you can barely even tell there's a woman in it! The interior of the church is SO dark!

Leah H. said...

I like her blonde hair combined with her dark shawl..

Visiting late for WW! Here's my share- hope you can stop by:)