Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Window with Shutters and Teapot

(Window with shutters and TEAPOT? Huh? I'm betting you didn't notice that teapot at first glance. Now that you know it's there, go back and take another look. See it? Good. Great extra touch, isn't it? I'd love to meet whoever lives there.)

Click through to my etsy shop to embiggen.


Dina said...

Great picture.
But maybe your teapot is like a magic lantern that you can rub and the genie pops out? I wish ...

Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Love it! So charming!

Art of RetroCollage said...

Beautiful photograph. & you're right: the teapot adds that extra little stylish touch.

Daryl said...

beautiful ...

Maria @ LSS said...

Beautiful capture.

My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo

Jeanna said...

Great shot, I love these kinds of photos. No, I didn't notice the teapot at first. I wonder if they've had it with tea or just a good eye?

Fábio Martins said...

The old stuffs are good to take photos :)

Cafe au lait said...

I see the cute teapot!

My entry.

Simply Delicious said...

Beautiful pic!

stevebethere said...

Nice picture..love the title :-)

Hena Tayeb said...

wow.. gorgeous. It is even more amazing knowing that the photograph was not staged.

Robin said...

Nope, not staged. (Though if it were I'd have gotten rid of that dark strip down the right side! oh well, at least it's authentic...)

Thanks for all your kind words.

Danielle S said...

That really is a lovely picture. It is worthy of a frame.

Link up your Wordless Wednesday post at Royalegacy Reviews & More

Anonymous said...

Now that's a photo that needs to be framed. Lovely!

Sandee said...

What Antonette said. Awesome.

Have a terrific WW. :)

Leora said...

The teapot reminds me of Paul Revere. But not the window.

Come Away With Me said...

What a marvelous photo...I love all the little details...the teapot, the lantern, that little square thing, those little things poking out of the wall, the weathered shutters....

Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook said...

Great shot! I love that little teapot, I did have to look twice :)

SouthLakesMom said...

Robin, you have such a great eye for first, seeing the potential in front of you, and then capturing it. The various textures you incorporate in your photos always make them very interesting. Who knew that grimy stucco could draw one into a photo? Hmmmmm

Catch My Words said...

Yes. I missed the teapot at first.


Mimi said...

I'd never have noticed the teapot if you hadn't mentioned, but now my eye is drawn straight to it.
Maybe it's a coded invitation to call for a cuppa?

Mimi said...

I'd never have noticed the teapot if you hadn't mentioned, but now my eye is drawn straight to it.
Maybe it's a coded invitation to call for a cuppa?

momto8 said...

very cool!!

catsynth said...

What a great still life! I like how there is so much empty space around the elements, too.

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Very picturesque, of course if it were my house I'd be worrying it needed painting, but somehow ancient always looks great in photos!

All About Jillzy said...

you're right, i did miss the teapot. what caught my eye was it looks like the lantern is floating in the air. great picture! love it!

autena said...

Love this--never would've noticed without encouragement to go back and look again! Found you on Create With Joy.

Java with the Johnsons said...

wow...great photo!

caite said...

Love that window...and the wee little teapot.
Very nice.

Claire Justine said...

Beautiful shot :)

Claremont First Ward said...

I didn't even notice it the first time even knowing it was there because I saw the title. :)

Linnea said...

Truly a classic, stunning shot. I love its simplicity and dense textures.

Katie Nicoll said...

You are right! I did not notice the teapot since my attention was on those lovely shutters. The old vintage look of the shutters added charm to the window. Whoever lives in this house must have a thing for a classic look. It is very simple, yet tasteful.

Gulf Coast Windows said...

I love shuttered windows with teapot, they are not very common here in US. My wife doesn't like them - so we compromised and got white venetian blinds on all the windows, not shutters but give a sort of shuttered effect with nice clean lines. Great solution for you.