Wednesday, November 28, 2012

On a return to normalcy

There was a bit of a war here the other week. You might have heard something about it. What you didn't hear was anything about it on my blog. I was obsessively watching the news, checking Facebook, posting all sorts of links, articles and updates on my own Facebook page, and trying to actually get some work done with one ear half-cocked to listen for the sirens. Blogging pretty photos just didn't seem to fit into the picture.

The thing is, the war didn't exactly reach my city. Just a few miles outside of Tel Aviv, we were close enough to hear the boom of the Iron Dome anti-rocket batteries as their missiles did their job to stop the deadly Hamas rockets from getting through, but far enough away that the sirens didn't reach us. While hundreds of thousands of people in the south sat in bomb shelters, while my husband and son had to stand by the side of the road when the sirens went off in Tel Aviv (yes, they should have laid down, they didn't), life here in our little bubble went on. Kids had school, after-school activities were still on (don't mind the booms, kids, that's just the Iron Dome and it's far away, at least 8 or 10 miles from here...), I was still expected to produce respectable deliverables for my job, but at the same time it became all-consuming. The war hadn't come this close before, and it was a week of wondering if the next red alert notification on the radio would be for us. If the whine of the jet engines from the planes temporarily rerouted to the north (and straight over my house) was just that, or was it the first whine of a siren.

It's been nearly a week since it ended now, and the ceasefire appears to be holding, and life has returned to what passes for normal in this little corner of the world.

And it finally feels right to begin blogging again, adding my own little bit of normalcy back into the equation with this image of a still proudly standing Tel Aviv. Still here, still thriving, still full of life.


Leovi said...

Yes, nice picture, excellent view. Greetings.

Simply Delicious said...

Great shot!


Dina said...

That's a perfect description, Robin.
What a week it was. It makes us so grateful for normal life (well, as normal as it can be in "the volatile Middle East").
Glad you are back to blogging.

toby said...

Yes, absolutely perfect - thanks for writing it so well! Welcome back - to all of us :)

tori nelson said...

Glad your city is still shining! That must be a terrifying experience to have war so close to your door.

Unknown said...

I am glad you are safe Robin and hope the cease fire continues to hold. A beautiful shot of Tel Aviv! I am a new Follower of your Blog. Have a good Wednesday.

Twisted Cinderella said...

Wonderful pic. Glad you are safe. My post is up for today and I have decorated my blog for the holidays, I would love to know what you think!

Daryl said...

am so glad you are safe, i was as you know worried ... very worried and now i am sitting here faklempt .. my eyes must need a washing ...

catsynth said...

Glad you're OK, and glad to see Tel Aviv surviving and full of life. Hope things do stay calm and maybe everyone can come to a resolution someday.

Steffi said...

Great photo!I saw the situation in Tel Aviv at T.V. and I thought to you and your family,Robin.

Unknown said...

what an incredible experience. I am so very glad you and "your bubble" were safe, although I can't imagine the anxiety of having WAR right outside your door. take care you.


Following you this beautiful Wordless Wednesday from the Crafty Spices link up. I so look forward to getting to know you better through photos and posts and such. We're riding the wave of life together at Local Sugar Hawaii and I'd love it if you'd join us.



posh said...

I'm glad things have settled down as well.

Art of RetroCollage said...

Glad to hear that you & your family are safe. Our hearts & best wishes are always with all of you in Israel. Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing what is happening in your corner of our world. I wish there wasn't any gun-fire to worry about. Take care!

Cathie at

Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

So glad you and your family were safe through that horrible ordeal. I can't imagine how scary that must have been. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Blessings to you and to Israel!

Claremont First Ward said...

So scary. And I thought the Presidential elections were stressful. :) Glad you are safe. Hugs.

Unknown said...

I love a city right on the beach!

SouthLakesMom said...

I was praying for Israel and your family, Robin, even as I was showing off your photos in my foyer and telling my Thanksgiving guests about your blog and your photography.

What broke my heart was listening to the US media doing its best to contrast the poor downtrodden on one side with the rich privileged on the other. It's never that simple, is it?

Melanie said...

Sorry to hear that you were that close. Many people in the US are praying for Israel, including many people from our church. Please stay safe. Beautiful picture of the city.


Come Away With Me said...

Shalom Robin! Here's hoping life becomes ever more normal and stays that way for a long time to come.

anymommy said...

So well said. I am so grateful for blogging's window into the lives and perspectives of others so that I can better understand how it feels to be intimately touched by something that is "news" to us.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us. And, so happy you and your family are safe!

Justine said...

Wow - I just can't imagine. I'm glad that you and your family are safe, but to be so close to that which could alter that so quickly...really does remind us to never take every day we have with our loved ones for granted doesn't it?

kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...

I didn't think you were close enough to HEAR it.

I can't even imagine how it has been for you.


Claremont First Ward said...

How are things this week?

Linda P said...

Thinking of you all over there. (I have friends in Rehovot). A great shot of Tel Aviv.

bichonpawz said...

I am so glad to hear that you are ok Robin!! What a scary thing to have to go through. I am going to peruse some of your pictures now...glad to know that you all are all right!!