Friday, March 9, 2007

Shoutout to Michelle from Scribbit

Have you all noticed the nifty new gadget I've got in my sidebar? Michelle has developed a search engine just for momblogs - so cool! Go give it a whirl.

Thanks Michelle!


Scribbit said...

So glad you like it. Your sidebar looks so darn spiffy now. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm embarrassed to say it but I am mystefied by the concept of Thursday Thirteen. It sounds like a lot of fun, perhaps a good way to get off my little 'island'. Maybe you can share me in on the goodies?

Robin said...

I've e-mailed you Dorit :).

Anonymous said...

I did give it a whirl, and I loved it! I emailed Michelle for the code. That is a very handy search tool! :) Thanks for posting about it!