Friday, October 12, 2007

I can't believe I forgot to tell you!

It's Florence!

In LESS THAN A MONTH we will be off to the beautiful city of Florence for an entire (first time in 7 years child-free!) week!

Food! Art! Scenery! Architecture! Food! Shopping! Food! (Did I mention food?!?)

After mucho deliberation we've decided to stay at what looks to be a lovely little pensione right in the heart of the city, just a few meters from the Duomo, perfect for diving right into things in the morning and for afternoon breaks or dropping off packages mid-day.

(I suddenly feel the urge to run around the house singing Viva Italia, but I'll spare everyone. Especially my family and neighbors, who might turn around and have me committed, which would then spoil my vacation. Best not to take any chances...)

Instead I'll settle for a semi-quiet wahoooooo!!


Joyismygoal said...

OOOhh I am so jealous. have the best time in the world!!

Kim said...

How exciting Robin!!! I'm thrilled for you....I'll run around singing Viva Italia, no one will hear me here LOL

Nancy said...

Woot Woot ... sounds Won.Der.Ful.

I know you will have a fantastic time ... take lots of photos =)

Mel said...

Fantastic Robin - have fun!

josie2shoes said...

This sounds absolutely magical, Robin! I am happy for you! Every mommy needa a bit of kid-free time to just be a woman now and then! I hope you have a truly lovely time.

Mom not Mum (Sandy) said...

I am jealous. I think you need to make some sort of a side trip to England though. LOL Ugh I am REALLY jealous. We've been here 3 years with less than 1 left to go and I just don't think we're going to make it to Italy. I'll jealously be looking forward to your pictures and stories though.

Janet said...

wahoooooo!!! that is GREAT news!

Pen said...

I do hope you intend to post a photoblog? :o)

Anonymous said...

Ah . . . you lucky girl!!

Robin said...

There will definitely be photo-blogging, and probably food blogging as well if I know Jay and I. Our hotel has high speed internet in the room. It's one thing to leave your kids for a week, it's quite another to leave your blog LOL.

Anonymous said...

Oh fun! I can't wait to hear and see all about it!!

Anonymous said...

Robin that's awesome!
Enjoy your kid free time with your husband!!
I am so jealous.

Anonymous said...


Italian shoes!!!!


oh and coffee......

Have a wonderful time. Take a photo of all the gorgeous shoes for me will you?

Jo said...

One of my favourite cities......I mentioned we spent a chunk of our honeymoon there? Where are you staying? And please if offered bean and barley soup proceed with care (delicious but dangerous LOL).

Robin said...

We're staying right by the Duomo, with a view of the cathedral out our window :).

Will remember the warning about the soup LOL.

Anonymous said...

Wow! No kids! I hope you have a blast. Looking forward to what you will be willing to share about your adventure :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's awesome! I've always wanted to go to Italy...ride in a fabulous food. Sigh. Have a GREAT time! :)

Robin said...

No gondolas in Florence but I'll be happy to eat fabulous food on your behalf!

Fairly Odd Mother said...

I want to run around the house screaming things like 'Bella Luna!' for you! Yippee! Have a blast!!

Fourier Analyst said...

We took my Mom when she came for my birthday to visit Florence for 4 days! Be sure and check out the tourist websites for info on which museums are open when as some are closed on Mondays, some on Tuesdays, some on random public holidays, etc. Italy can drive you crazy that way. And be careful which line you get into to visit the Duomo. One goes to the top (lots and lots and lots of steps), one goes to the inside nave, one goes to the middle, etc. You don't want to stand in the wrong line!!

And be prepared to stand in lots of lines. Long lines. I envied those with a cane that folded into a 3-legged stool.

And don't be taken too aback at the smell and the dirt. It is after all thousands of years old! And sometimes it really stinks!! But still, there is a glory and sense of history that transcends all the mundane aspects! Have fun! Have a safe trip! And enjoy!!!

Jenn said...

Hi - I have been "lurking" at your blog for several weeks now. I love reading about your life in Israel and all the Jewish traditions.
But I had to post b/c I was excited to hear about your kid-free trip to Florence. My husband and I went in May '06 for our 10 yr. ann. and it was a trip of a lifetime. We are already planning our next trip back there. I still have romantic notions of moving there for 6 months out of the year! ;o)
Have a wonderful time and I am looking forward to reading about your trip.

Robin said...

FA - I don't remember Florence as being particularly stinky, that was more Venice when we were there. Maybe it depends on the weather, when the last garbage strike was, etc. Hopefully odor won't be an issue, but the city itself is more than enough to compensate if it is.

Jenn, I love hearing stories like that, they make me even more excited to go! And welcome out of lurkdom. Now that you're here pull up a comfy chair, kick off your shoes, and settle in for a nice long cup of coffee :).

Anonymous said...

Have a great time! When you come back, I will daydream while reading your travel post.

Happy for you!

Anonymous said...

wbX3eg Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

Anonymous said...

KILd7q Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

yeOnMd Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

wrVCgL Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.