Saturday, October 13, 2007

Wanted: Magic Wand (pref new)

All that is standing between me and my dream job is a working magic wand. If I had a magic wand (ok, and a cool pair of wings too) then I could be a fairy godmother. I could spend my days healing sick children, easing the pain of the elderly, reuniting lost loved ones, absolving those wracked with guilt, returning to health those struck down in their prime by the cruel onslaught of disease, bringing food to the hungry, providing shelter to those stuck out in the cold... All with just a wave of my wand. And once I'd done that I could even dole out the occasional pair of glass slippers for an awkward, gangly 13 year old sure she'll never get to go to the ball.

No more cancer. No more autism. No more asbestosis. No more Alzheimer's. No more mental illness. No more SPD. No more depression. No more anxiety. No more.

So many in pain. So many in need. And no way to make it better. No kisses can make those booboos go away.

If I could have any job in the world, it would surely be fairy godmother.

I'm going to go kiss my husband and children now, and yes, it's been a hard week.


Beau Brackish said...

I can't think of a better line of work. Hope your week gets better!

Pen said...

Sorry to hear about your week. What a giving person you are. I think that would be a wonderful dream job ;o)

Anonymous said...

I am about to make 35 magic wands for my Boo's birthday party. If any of them are magic I will send 'em along to you.

As long as I can have a pair of those glass slippers OK?

Sorry you have had a hard week. Mine has been skyrocketing highs and crashing lows and I am totally lost!

Anonymous said...

Hope things go better for you next week! I'll keep my eye out for a magic wand! :)

Jen said...

Yeah...yeah. I hear ya. Many of those over here, especially the Alzheimers and SPD. But, on the bright side, when the Alzheimers hits me, I won't remember the whole SPD thing.
Better week next week, ok? ;)

Fairly Odd Mother said...

I've thought about that job quite a bit. . wanna arm wrestle for it?

Hope you have a better week!

Tumblewords: said...

Here's wanding to a better week. Maybe you can invent the magic wand -
This is truly a great and warm post! Good luck and may the queen godmother choose you to wield the wand!

Anonymous said...

I am not a fairy god mother. I don't have a wand. But I do my bit for girls who are abused. If each one us took it upon ourselves to make even a little difference, it can come true.

Wishful post..!!

deedee said...

I hope you get your magic wand soon :)

Jo said...

Well you know I wish you had one......

josie2shoes said...

What a delightful fantasy job, Robin! I have often wished I could take away the pain of other, but never put it into such a wonderful context. This is great! I hope your coming week goes much better!

Jennifer Hicks said...

I can totally related to the magic wand feeling working health care and having bipolar disorder myself....

I guess the only "magic" is that that comes from trusting our inner resources....

Anonymous said...

Magic sounds wonderful - that would be a perfect world. But reality is so much harsher, and you stated the reality so well...hope you have a better week ahead.

Pieces of Me said...

I wish somebody would wave a magic wand and shake my poor mom from her Alzheimer's for the past ten years....