Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's the little things

I don't check under my bed for monsters (it's a platform bed anyway, nothing there but drawers of sweaters). I don't believe that mummies will come back to life and chase me through the city. I'm not afraid of ghosts. Israel isn't prime territory for ghosts and hauntings, and besides, I've always imagined ghosts as a fairly benevolent presence. I believe that witches are connected to a power I don't understand, but it isn't necessarily an evil one. Many witches practice only good. I like that. I'm drawn to it in many ways, but I fear I'm too tied to the mundane to ever really sense it in my being. I don't believe in vampires, but I do like to imagine tiny fairies guarding the land, the part of it we haven't yet managed to pave over that is. I'm terrified of scary movies and haunted houses (even those silly ones where you ride through in a car), so I just avoid them.

These are not the things which haunt me, which leave me lying awake in bed, unable to sleep.

No, what haunts me is of an infinitely more practical nature.

Did I lock the front door?

We're out of blue stuff for the toilet. Must go downstairs right this minute and add "blue stuff" to the shopping list.

Will I remember that Itai is going to a friend's house after school? (Better leave a note.) That Maya has a doctor's appointment? (Better add that to the note too.)

Will I remember to pack the charger for my mobile phone? Must get out of bed right this minute, turn on the laptop, bring up the packing list and see if it's on there. (It was.)

These are the things that haunt my nights, leaving me restless and unable to sleep until I know they're settled. Nothing gothic or romantic like ghosts and goblins, just the detritus of daily living. I think I'd be more interesting if I saw actual ghosts, but then again, it didn't work out real well for that kid in the movie, did it? Oh well, I suppose someone has to be boring, I guess that's me.

Mistress of the mundane. Dame of the details. Hmm... Sounding slightly more interesting now, isn't it? Lady of the Lake. Oh wait, that one's already taken (not to mention irrelevant).

I guess I should stick with the title that best sums up this fixation on life's details - mom. After all, if I didn't keep track of them, who would?

What haunts you?


Jo said...

Ah, a clever finish LOL.........I'm also haunted by those details.

paisley said...

strange as it may sound... i am more at home with my ghosts.......

Pieces of Me said...

I guess being agitated by the thought that I didn't do my best, that I didn't reach my potentials, that I didn't get the most out of my life as mother, writer, wife, human beng... I guess the ghosts of the past have a role in it...mmm
Nice post. Thanks.

Keith's Ramblings said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel! I'm glad I'm not the only one who is haunted every time I go out incase I left the TV on or something equally mundane.

Kathy said...

Yep, those types of things really 'do' my head in on a regular basis. It's sooo frustrating, especially when trying to get some much needed rest. You're right, of course, that is a mother's live after all!

Anonymous said...

Oh no you are not boring, in fact the opposite, I relate with you, I dont believe in them, yet I am terrified of such tales. Contradictory is what I am!

Becca said...

Yes indeed, we have the same ghosts disturbing out rest! Haunted by the detritus of life - love it!

sister AE said...

I am a "list" person. I have to write things down or else they keep swirling in my brain in an attempt to not be forgotten. All that swirling drives me a little nuts. Hence lists.

But I know what you mean about those "is it on the list" moments?

Anonymous said...

How about zombies? They're pretty scary...come see!

What haunts me are the choices I've made in life ;-)

M the Mommy said...

All the mommy things you mentioned haunt me, but then I have the psychotic irrational what if there is an intruder in the house how will I get to both babies in time, which room should I barricade myself in , where is the safest place to hide them. I know I am really letting my crazy show, I think this stems from the fact we just moved into a house and I feel a little more vulnerable than when we were in a second floor condo.

Mary Timme said...

Broken people haunt me the most. I wish I could help them heal.

Nancy said...

I liked that ... haunted ... and here all along I thought I was just OCD!

*smiles* I think being a mom brings out the "hauntings" in all of us.

Pen said...

I know what you mean, Robin. I hate those nights where you are just about to drift into warm and cozy dream land when that one little thought jolts you fully awake and you can't sleep until you do something about it. So been there!

Kellan said...

Yes, I too am a "mistress of the mundane"! I do, however, have a ghost in my house (just sayin'). I loved this post. "but I do like to imagine tiny fairies guarding the land," - I like this idea too - too cute! See ya.

Memarie Lane said...

Here's what haunted me last night.

"OMG I only managed to enter 154 giveaways yesterday, there's still at least 200 to go! Should I get up right now and enter more???? I really should but the keyboard is black and I can't see it in the dark, so when I mean to say 'what a great gift! count me in!' I might end up saying 'what a green gimp! Count my chins!' or some such, and I can't turn the light on because I'd wake everyone up..."

J. Lynne said...

I always feel bad that I don't visit more Thursday Thirteens.

But my childhood haunts me a lot.

Also, this black cat that thinks it needs more food at 4am and a Pug that thinks it needs to be walked at 5am.

I'm also always worried I'm going to die and no one will realize it until my cats have eaten me. I saw that on CSI. Oh, and also I worry that I'll be walking my dog and see someone looking out of the window of my house (cuz I live alone).

Space Mom said...

I do get haunted by ghosts. Real and imaginary....

Mel said...

It is nice to know I am not alone in having those last night thoughts - or in my reaction to them (same as yours - drives my DH mad!!)

Tumblewords: said...

A clever take on the prompt and infinitely more universal...maybe! Grin. Nice post!

Eimi said...

Worrying what is gonna happen to me... if I will be really happy... if I will meet the right person... keeping my weight down... getting rid of the daily headaches I have had for over 10 years...

Anonymous said...

That is SO true! I too am haunted by the daily grind.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Gosh, I'd love to be haunted by the little things. For me, it is the big scary stuff: drowning in a bathtub, a stranger in our house, fire, car accidents, child abduction. . .Maybe worrying about these big things (which I only really do late at night) helps me to take my mind off of the little?

Lilibeth said...

When I wake up at night, I worry that a policeman will come to the door and tell me my son was in an accident or that my daughter was killed while she was walking back from her studio to the dorm at two a.m. Why oh why do college kids think the middle of the night is the time to study, visit friends, drive to Sonic, etc. I usually have to pray myself back to sleep.