Monday, March 5, 2007

Purim 2007 Wrapup

Another Purim has now come and gone. For those who don't know, Purim is a Jewish holiday celebrating the Jews' escape from destruction at the hands of the evil Haman, advisor to King Ahaseurus of Persia. It is a joyous holiday, whose main duty is to eat, drink, be merry and wear silly costumes. The children look forward to it for months, it's like the Israeli child's version of Halloween. They dress up in costumes and exchange Mishloach Manot - gift packages containing traditional hamentaschen cookies, various candies, and of course noisemakers (to blot out the sound of Haman's name). It's all a bit of a three-ring circus at times.

We managed to keep our holiday fairly low-key this year. Both children had class parties on Friday, which they attended with great glee (Itai as the High King Peter from the Narnia Chronicles and Maya as "something cute that Maya will be willing to wear", and yes, she does always wear her crown backwards on her head) and from which they returned loaded higher than a kite on sugar. We then spent a glorious spring Saturday walking (us), rollerblading (Itai) and tricycle riding (Maya) on the Tel Aviv boardwalk, followed by lunch in a favorite seaside pub and a quick stint at playing in the sand until it got too cold. Sunday both children were off for the holiday. I avoided the huge "happenings" (chasing Maya around them is still no fun) and we opted to meet up with all our playgroup buddies instead, a rarity these days with all the children's ridiculously complicated schedules. Today Itai had a big party at "camp". Maya was off so she and I enjoyed a rare Mom and Maya day. I took her to the kiddie salon for a haircut and then out to lunch, which we followed with an oh so glamorous trip to the supermarket. The supermarket was actually fairly painless, thanks to the Milkie (chocolate pudding) that she clutched in her hand the entire time, just waiting for the moment she could get home and dive into it's chocolately whipped creamy goodness. (It's amazing what a small bribe incentive can do...)

Oh, and Itai left the house this morning dressed in an Indian costume (no pictures unfortunately, Jay forgot to take any). This is how he came home. I'd say he had fun...


Space Mom said...

Ah, Happy Purim! We forgot about it until a purim basket came from temple! :)

Anonymous said...

I love those Mom and Me days. When it was just me and my oldest daughter, getting all prettied up,going lunch and shopping! Those are some great memories! :)
Glad you had a great weekend!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Mm. Purim. My favorite holiday.

My freezer is stuffed with about three dozen extra hamantashen -- we forgot that the recipe makes four dozen! Aack!

Unknown said...

Purim is so easy. The girls all want to be queens and princesses and the boys soldiers.

Anonymous said...

Purim went by fast... Tel Aviv in Purim, now that's a different story. Sounds like you had lots of fun.