Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Real Mothers Are...

I've been tagged by Fairly Odd Mother for a great meme. You're given the phrase "real mothers are..." and have to complete it. I love this idea. I actually saw the tag last night, but wanted to sleep on it first before deciding what one thing I think mothers are that trumps all the rest for me. And here it is:

Real Mothers are Imperfect.

Real mothers sometimes lose their temper. Real mothers don't always serve their children perfectly healthy, well-balanced meals (made from scratch of course). Real mothers still need some "me" time to stay sane. Real mothers have parts of parenting that they don't like. Real mothers can get mind-numbingly bored reading the same book over and over and over and over again. Real mothers don't always look like they've stepped out of the pages of a 1950's edition of Good Housekeeping. Real mothers lose their car keys. Or forget to start dinner. Or sometimes choose to blog instead of playing pokemon cards (otherwise known as the card game from hell). Real mothers can rationalize stealing (and then eating) their children's holiday candy. Real mothers sometimes breathe an audible sigh of relief when bedtime rolls around.

Real mothers love their children more than life itself, and are loved just as much in return, despite, or even because of, all their flaws. Real mothers are you and I.

And now as part of the meme I need to tag 5 more people. Eeny meeny miny moe...

Terri, Janice, Dorit, Darcy and Kim - you're up.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by! Yes, yes, yes, and yes! All true. Real moms are people too :-)

Terri said...

Love it...I so do that steal the candy thing. LOL Let me think on it and I'll post later today.

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Right on! Candy stealing is a particular skill! Great meme!

Lilight said...

Great Robin! So true too. What a relief - you mean I don't have to be perfect? Phew! I'll post later too (probably after the kids are in bed and I let out that sigh of relief you talked about LOL).

Anonymous said...

hank you robin for this reminder! I can't tell you how uplifting it was to read your blog. It made me feel human again, a great pick up. Just the thing to feel special.! It's been hard... Thanks so much!

Robin said...

Wow, what a lovely compliment. Thank you, and I'm glad that you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

So I'm a bit slow, but I'm off to post now....:)(BTW-imperfect is just the thing...)