Friday, March 2, 2007

Wow did I nearly f*ck up!

Jay and I had a fabulous little getaway here - good for the body and definitely good for the soul. So good in fact that we're already plotting our return and wondering whether it would be worth it to join their membership program. We came back in time to get the kids from school and were gratifed to hear how well they'd done. I'm not entirely sure they noticed we were gone, and if they did they were having too much fun to care. In fact, 20 minutes after we got home Maya was asking for a video and Itai informed us that he had a friend coming over shortly, that it had all been arranged. So much for zen-like afterglow...

Anyway, to explain the "how I nearly really truly and utterly f*cked up" part...

Tonight we're celebrating Jay's birthday at a really wonderful Tel Aviv restaurant with a whole host of our nearest and dearest. Everyone's invited (and nearly all are coming), the restaurant is booked, the table for 15 has been confirmed... Then Jay looks at me and asks, just out of curiosity, who's watching the kids tonight? Oh shit!!! Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. Completely forgot to get a sitter. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. Friday nights are TOUGH around here for sitters - most of our sitters are high school seniors and they're all friends, so one good party and they're all out of commission, which is exactly what happened last night. Thank god I finally tracked down our one older sitter who is both out of high school and available tonight and we're set, otherwise I'd be stuck home missing my own husband's birthday party and feeling VERY angry with myself! It would have taken me YEARS to live that one down!

Now if I only had something decent to wear...


Anonymous said...

I'm loving the "zen-like afterglow" part. Sounds like you two crazy kids had a great time and I'm SO glad you found a sitter just in time!

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time. Isn't that the truth, how hard it is to find a sitter on late notice. Glad you were able to find a sitter! Have a great weekend!

Gattina said...

That's really a coincidence, I was busy to look at the archives of my country and city blog and noticed that the old posts are all upside down since I moved to Bloogle Glogger (prefer that than "new Blogger") when your comment arrived, lol ! Nice that you visited this blog !

Scribbit said...

Oh once you have a child old enough to babysit it's abosolutely the most liberating thing ther is. Even better than having all your kids pottytrained.

Anonymous said...

I heard that place is wonderfully rejuvenating. Everybody I know practically went to the Carmel Hills Spa and craved for more. They look pretty expensive though.. is it?

Robin said...

Umm, it wasn't cheap, no. Definitely worth it though - very pampering without being snobby. We booked through Zabar, so slightly cheaper than the rack rate, though not by much. Maybe the teachers' union has access to deals?

Also, you could conceivably save money by going for just one night and paying an extra NIS 140 a person for an early check-in (prior to 13:00, includes lunch). That way you'd really get two full days there for the price of one night, since you have to check out at noon but you can stay and use all the facilities until 18:00 (free lockers available).

Kim said...

Whew! That was a close one! Glad it all worked out for you. Your weekend away sounds so great, hope you can hold on to your afterglow LOL