Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Perfect Getaway

While we were away, Jay and I took a little "vacation from our vacation" and headed to Victoria, B.C. for two nights while my parents got the chance for some quality time with the grandchildren (who were so busy having fun while we were gone that they barely had time to talk to us when we called). We stayed in the very lovely Veranda Room at the Beaconsfield Inn, a charming little hotel that is short on distractions (no phone, no tv) but long on pampering (even putting out sherry and homemade cookies each evening). It was just what we needed to reconnect. We spent the weekend wandering around the harbor area watching boats and seaplanes go in and out, exploring the outer neighborhoods, sitting at outdoor cafes watching the world go by, hiking to deserted beaches (the Sooke picture I shared a few posts back), checking out the world's cutest houseboats, eating great food, and just generally enjoying each other, something we don't get the chance to do as often as we should. It was such a great, and greatly needed, getaway. We even had the chance to get an up close and personal view of an orca (killer whale) teaching her 2 week old baby how to hunt for salmon! So so cool...

The Beaconsfield
Seaplanes land right in the middle of town
The world's cutest houseboats
Victoria's climate is much milder than the rest of Canada's, and it's rightfully famous for all the flowers in bloom everywhere
. .


Scribbit said...

I've heard Victoria is just lovely. My parents were there many years ago and I still remember the charming pictures they brought back.

Glad you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are great. Did you go to the Empress Hotel? High Tea there is wonderful fun. Seeing orcas, sigh, that wasa nice getaway!

Robin said...

Didn't make it there Shelly. We decided we didn't need high tea when there was sherry, tea, cookies, etc. right in the library (yes, it had a library) of our hotel. I've heard it's great though.

Anonymous said...

What a heavenly place to spend two days together!

Jen said...

Isn't Victoria lovely? My in-laws live in Nanaimo so we sometimes go to Victoria for a day trip.
Glad you are enjoyed your trip. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Jen said...

Ohhh, I love Victoria. And what a beautiful little gem you stayed in! I miss Victoria.