Wednesday, June 27, 2007

WFMW - Ordering Flowers

My tip for this week is about ordering flower deliveries. Whenever I need to send a bouquet to someone out of town (and since I live in Israel the entire US certainly constitutes "out of town") I look online to find the name and number of a local florist in that community and just call them directly. That way I don't have to pay the exhorbitant rates charged by companies like Interflora and can spend that extra money on a nicer bouquet. I even get to support a local business to boot. Much nicer than lining the pockets of a big multi-national corporation yet again.

That's what works for me this week. Check out Shannon's Rocks in My Dryer for more great tips.


Nancy said...

Hi Robin...thanks for stopping by my blog. I can't see an email address to send your meme letter, so I will post it here.

" L "

I have been reading your blog (archives included) for a couple months now ... very nice writing, nice family, and good adventures!

Have fun with the meme ... I check back to see what you wrote =)


Nancy said...

PS we think alike with our "cups of latte"

Anonymous said...

I love this idea and it works for my household, too.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog, but I read your comment to the WMFW Diva cup comment.
I also have 2 days of extremely heavy periods. The other days are ok. I had even resorted to buying the disposable underwear for incontinent women and wearing them the two days because a super tampon lasts about 20 minutes.
I bought a Diva cup 2 months ago. The first month, I couldn't go 1 hour on the 2 heavy days without emptying it.
I also read on the internet that taking a Motrin type drug during your period will make it lighter. Last month, I took Motrin 2X/day the first three days, used only the Diva cup, and my period was 50% lighter than usual and 2 days shorter.
I am going to try the same combination this month. I was amazed and thrilled. The first month I also had leaks with the Diva, and it took me several days to figure out how to place it correctly every time. Last month I really liked the Diva because it does hold more than a super tampon, and I didn't have to carry a purse full of supplies to work with me.
Last month with my Diva/Motrin combo, I wore a heavy pad with the Diva on my heavy days (just in case!) but didn't need it at all. I hope this works for you, too.

Robin said...

Thanks Nancy, L should be a fun one :). I'll probably have it up on Friday if real life doesn't get in the way. How nice to know that you're one of my regular readers. I always wonder who's out there lurking and hope they'll pop in and say hello.

Anon - thank you for the detailed BTDT response. It's really helpful. I'm not sure they sell these in Israel, but I'll definitely consider it the next time I'm in the States.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Robin! LOVE that you go the extra mile to support independent businesses! (I'm on yet another indie kick again)

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea! Thanks for sharing! :)