Friday, March 21, 2008

Grease Is The Word (a/k/a Shameless Mommy Brag)

Itai's after-school program celebrated Purim by putting on their own very unique version of Grease last night. The songs were in English (probably a good thing, since I think some of the kids, and many of the parents, would have passed out if they understood the words - "look at me I'm Sandra Dee, lousy with virginity" as a prime example) but the (Hebrew) dialogue was all about social inclusion, acceptance and the breaking down of gender stereotypes. Very wholesome and a great message for the kids to take away.

Putting all that aside though, I was there as a mom not a social critic, and was just bursting with pride watching my Kenicky greasin' it up there on the stage. He's the one in the blue t-shirt right in front (thank goodness, because as one of the tallest kids there he spent the rest of the show in the back row, making it impossible to take any decent pictures). Enjoy, and I dare you to try not to sing along ;-).

Here are the proud star and his even prouder mom after the show. Try to ignore the horrible picture quality - my current camera really bites the big one indoors at night but getting a good picture of the two of us together is rare enough that I decided to share it anyway. Thankfully my spiffy digital SLR is arriving in just two more weeks!


mother in israel said...

I don't think Y will be doing that in his school. How long did the kids rehearse for? Y has been having rehearsals for several weeks now for the siddur (prayer book) party. He hates it.

You still have time to pick up a quiche from me before Shabbat--I wish I had time to bring one to you.

Happy Purim!

Robin said...

They rehearsed for about 5 months and were really into it. The younger kids did a bunch of dance routines (like an American-style recital) then the older ones did Grease - minimal dialogue but lots of dancing and pantomime.

Thank you for the quiche offer, I would if I could, they look delicious and I LOVE quiche. We're all booked up today though - we've got two different Purim parties in two different cities. We'll leave the house at 2:30 and won't get home until bed time!

What's a siddur party?

mother in israel said...

Five months!! Wow. The teachers did say that Y's grade should have started earlier. But the boys don't do such complicated routines. Some of the kids (most?) like the rehearsals.

Once the kids have learned to read, and they bring their siddur to school, they have a big party where they perform. Usually it's much earlier in the year. Then around Shavuot, they have a party when they start learning the Torah (chumash party). Actually, one of the parties is a big deal and the other is modest, it varies.

Enjoy your parties today!

Shannon said...

So very cute! I love the choreography! Nothin' like a cutie Kenicky to brighten up your day. Totally braggable Mama. Love the photo of the two of you too!

Nancy said...

So fun and cute!

Yea Mama, you have braggin' rights!

"two thumbs up"

Anonymous said...

So adorable!

Anonymous said...

Fabbo. He's a real little greaser and he got his moves just right. Lovely photo of the two of you, just lovely.

Laura said...

Love the photo. I love watching my kids sing or perform. You are going to love your new digital SLR. I have the canon rebel and let me tell ya I have never been the same. It's wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I can't see the movie, but I think it's a lovely pic. Good for Purim!

Anonymous said...

Arrrrghhhhh! Not Purim! Itai!

Anonymous said...

Love it! So adorable and a lovely shot of you two together.

Anonymous said...

that is awesome! so cute! and a digital SLR? fancy! i just got a new camera too!

Lea said...

Two stars here I would say! You must be so proud... I love it!

Fairly Odd Mother said...

Grease's lyrics really are racey, aren't they? It's funny to hear them now as a mom. Congrats to your son! Love the photo!

Anonymous said...

loved the pics, just got to see them, looks like the fest went beautifully well...