Wednesday, March 19, 2008

WFMW - Smoked Chipotle Mayonnaise

Have you tried this stuff? It is awesome for spicing up a boring sandwich like sliced turkey or grilled cheese, or even better, a grilled smoked turkey and swiss open-faced sandwich on homemade bread.

Definitely not health food, but it does make lunchtime more interesting. Works for me. Stop by Rocks in my Dryer to see what works for everyone else.


Phyllis Sommer said...

yummy. i love spicy stuff. once when i was first learning hebrew, i could not remember the word for spicy...and i *knew* it wasn't the same as the word "hot" the way they are used interchangeably in english (am i being at all clear? it's 4:30am) and i wanted to buy spicy eggplant at the shuk...i kept trying to "work around it" without showing my total ignorance. until the guy took pity on me and told me the word charif. i've never ever forgotten that one:-)

Robin said...

Sounds like the time I learned to count (after a FULL YEAR of university Hebrew in which I learned the word for laboratory but not how to count past ten) by wandering around the old TA central bus station asking for the "7-4" bus. People then asked me if I was looking for the "74" bus, and that's how I learned to count. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

robin!! i'm starving over here and then you go and describe these totally amazing sandwiches!! i definitely have to do some major grocery shopping tonight...

Shannon said...

I hate to admit that I really like mayo on my sandwiches. I am surely going to give that a go. Thanks!

kristi said...

Looks YUMMY!