Sunday, April 20, 2008

Conversation with Maya

Tonight, at bed time:

M: Bees and flies are very small.

Me: Yes, they are.

M: They are teeny tiny.

Me: Yes, they're very small.

M: They can't talk.

Me: No, they can't. Only people can talk.

M: They're really small, we can squash them - like this. *mimes squashing bugs between her hands*

Me: Ummm...


Nancy said...

So sweet looking with her bubbles!

[and thoughts of squishing bugs, lol]

Amy said...

Reminds me of a song my daughters sang years ago... "I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee, won't my mommy be surprised at me, I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee... Ouch, he stung me..

I'm squishing up my baby bumble bee.. won't my mommy be surprised at me..." etc.

yeah, then they would "lick up the baby bumble bee" it was a gross song - but they also looked as sweet and darling as your little Maya...

My daughters have never been environmentally friendly, it seems..

Anonymous said...

She's a beauty! Kids can be so honest even when you don't want them to be :-)

Anonymous said...

I came to your blog from Drama Mama's. I was intrigued that you are living in Israel. My husband's main office is located in Tel Aviv and he loves going there. I really want to go there with him sometime.

Your kids are adorable.

Anonymous said...

too funny how conversations can take such a turn like that... HA

love your blog!

Anonymous said...

hee. she's a step ahead of me. i usually see bugs and just head the other way. :)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

LOL at Annie's comment - and I second that thought about the bumble bee song. I love kid conversations.

Anonymous said...

And she looks so innocent! I love it!

Anonymous said...

LOL! That song Annie was singing, oh the childhood memories it brings back.

Simpy beautiful shot of Maya.

I never know what the kids are going to say next!

Robin said...

I used to love that song myself when I was a kid, but just as a song - I was more of a run away from bugs type myself. Still am for that matter LOL.

Shannon said...

So sweet...bug squishing and all! She is precious!