Thursday, April 17, 2008

TT - and now, the C's

(Yes, my parents are still here. I'll be back to something wordier next week. We're having a great visit, but it's definitely cutting down on my blogging time.)

They just don't write them like this anymore... Shakespearean insults - the C's.

My favorite is #2. What's yours?

  1. Canker Of A Calm World And A Long Peace

  2. Caterpillar Of The Commonwealth

  3. Cittern-Head

  4. Clamorous Harbinger Of Blood And Death

  5. Clay-Brained Guts

  6. Clod Of Wayward Marl

  7. Close Contriver Of All Harms

  8. Cock'red Silken Wanton

  9. Cream-Fac'd Loon

  10. Creeping Venomed Thing

  11. Crooked-Pated Old Cuckoldy Ram

  12. Curl'd-Pate Ruffian

  13. Cutter-Off Of Nature's Wit

Have you Thirteened this week?


Tink said...

It's too hard to choose just one, they are all great! I'm a Shakespeare-fan.
thanks for visiting my reiki TT. If you lived more closeby, I'd give you a treatment to try it out!

anthonynorth said...

And they have such style. I often think modern language uses swear words as punctuation. You couldn't say that with these :-)

Janet said...

#10 for sure!!!

SJ Reidhead said...

I love it!

The Pink Flamingo

Hootin Anni said...

Excellent, excellent!!! #6!!

Hope you can drop by to view my T 13....I love visitors y'know. :o)

orneryswife said...

Crooked-Pated Old Cuckoldy Ram is my favorite. I can just picture an old sheep with his coat on crooked... Happy TT.

Anonymous said...

What a way with words the man had! Cream-Fac'd Loon is short and easy to remember. I may use that sometime.

Malcolm said...

10, 11, and 13 are my favorites.

Anonymous said...

Boy those just roll off the tongue don't they? ;) Can you imagine if someone said them to you? I'd laugh - not be insulted. But then I laugh a lot so....

Happy TT Robin! I hope your passover is a wonderful time for you and your family.

SandyCarlson said...

All those curly and crooked pated persons I know better be careful!

Unknown said...

They're all masterpieces. Great list! Happy T13

siteseer said...

What a writer. Great list.

Anonymous said...

from 9 to 13 are my favourites. I can't pick which one. They are all so, well, witty! Better than my generic arsehat methinks.

pussreboots said...

#13 is my favorite. Happy TT. said...

i love all! but #5 is the best!

Jennifer said...

Robin you keep popping up everywhere I go in blog land these days. Even before you won Michelle's writing contest I kept seeing you all over... maybe it it time to add you to my reader. :)

Gattina said...

That's a little difficult for me, I think I know better the modern one, lol !

Pieces of Me said...

Happy TT

Enjoy your time with your folks.

Pesach S'meach

marcia@joyismygoal said...

one would know one was insulted:)

Ivanhoe said...

Hahaha, these are funny! I kind of like #9. Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

And these are just the C's?! I think Dr. Phil does a pretty good job with creative insults. I remember when we were kids our favorite one was "you jerk!"

Robin said...

These are just a small fraction of the C's Colleen - there were many more I eliminated to get down to 13.

Anonymous said...

Love #11

Anonymous said...

Ooo, clamorous harbinger of blood and death. I like it! *grin*


Darla said...

My favorites are "Clamorous Harbinger of Blood and Death" and "Clod of Wayward Marl," but I'd be more likely to actually use "Creeping "Venomed Thing." It's easier to remember. :)

Denise Patrick said...

Without a doubt Shakespeare had a way with words that no one has matched since. His insults are just one way he proves his superiority.

Great list. Thanks for visiting my TT!

Amanda said...

Oh, hahah! "Curl'd-Pate Ruffian." Love it!

Anonymous said...

i love the last one! that kooky shakespeare! :)

storyteller said...

These are all wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing them and the 'link' to the source ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

storyteller said...

These are all wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing them and the 'link' to the source ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

She Became a Butterfly said...

hilarious list!!


Candy Minx said...

Terrific! I love shakespeare and this was a delightful idea for a TT list. Good one girl!

Mine is not so high's about supermodels...I'm kind of embarrassed reading your funny and stylish list...but if you have time come say howdy!

Anonymous said...

10 & 4 are my faves. Great list, happy TT

Anonymous said...

Those are fantastic! Cream-Fac'd Loon is my favorite! I loved how that mad wrote!

Anonymous said...

I dig these! Good stuff. "Creeping Venomed Thing" is my favorite, I think.

Lilibeth said...

I don't know how he managed to cram so many different insults into the plays...lots of surly characters, I guess. I do like the guy's wit.

Anonymous said...

Cock'red Silken Wanton is my fave. Thanks for letting me be a Hollaback Girl at you even if I didn't really comment on your comment.

Tempest Knight said...

Aaaahhh... love those Shakespeareian insults. Hehehe!

Anonymous said...

I like #4 - nice and severe!

Anonymous said...

No TT this week,, but just wanted to see what clever list you had this week!! I love #10 too.

Cynthia said...

I'm going with 13...great list!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I think A and B were stronger lists; none of these made me roar with laughter or wish we still slung these sorts of fun insults around.

But then again, I'm exhausted. That might be it.

Come over and drop me an insult and let's see...

EHT said...

Oh, I love this! Thanks for posting, and thanks for coming by History Is Elementary.

Anonymous said...

This was the BEST TT ever!