Thursday, April 3, 2008

TT - Oh my aching foot

I did something, or rather something happened, to my foot about ten days ago. I didn't twist it, bang it, or injure it in any way I can think of. It's not bruised or swollen and nothing looks outwardly unusual. There's only one small problem - it hurts like a sonofagun. I've got a weird sort of shooting pain any time I try to walk or bend my foot, and now it's also radiating up to my ankle. On top of that my knees, seriously problematic under the best of circumstances and veterans themselves of numerous rounds of tests and physical therapy, are starting to really ache, most likely from the limping I've been doing trying to keep weight off the other foot. It took me a week to get an orthopedist's appointment but tomorrow (Thursday) I will finally be seeing a doctor. Hopefully he'll be able to sort out whatever this is because my parents are arriving for a visit on Monday and not being able to walk would put a major crimp in our plans.

In light of all this, here are:

13 Things I Can't Do Because My Foot Hurts

1. Bounce on a pogo stick
2. Ride a unicycle
3. Dance a pirouette onstage with the Bolshoi Ballet
4. Go barefooting (waterski barefoot)
5. All those fancy figure skating jumps and spins
6. Kick a Super Bowl-winning field goal
7. Put my foot behind my ear
8. Paint a masterpiece with my toes
9. Kickbox
10. Walk a tightrope
11. Perform acrobatics while hanging by my foot from a silk rope
12. Dance the can-can
13. Break a wooden board with my foot, karate-style

Of course I couldn't do any of these things before either, but let's not nit-pick...

Visit Thursday Thirteen to see what everyone else is, or perhaps isn't, up to this week.


Dane Bramage said...

I think if I really tried hard enough I could do one of these. #7 to be exact. Only with a sore foot I don't think you would want to put it behind my ear.

My #74 is up. I did a variation on the iPod list. 13 Songs by the Mystery Artist. Can you guess who it is? Okay it really isn't that tough since I give ou three video clues.

Anonymous said...

It's your carpool ankle; I have it too. ; ) It's actually really ticking me off. Hope it's something easily fixed!

Anonymous said...

I seem to remember that a few months ago you did a list of reasons why you have forbidden your husband to ride a unicycle, so #2 is only evening things out. I'm sorry to hear about all the rest,though. Once you are healed, will you post photos of yourself doing the can can?

Danica Favorite said...

LOL... I was wondering if you'd be able to do any of those things,but you answered it!

Nancy said...

OUCH! ... I hope it's not real serious.

Anonymous said...

Well then you will have to just sit and read blogs all day then. Mine first, and second and...

Hope your foot is better.

You forgot the most important thing, the thing that did my head in with a broken toe. No heels...

Oh the humanity!

Anonymous said...

Great idea for TT, mine's up too hope you can drop by!

anthonynorth said...

I love the way we think of things to do we couldn't do anyway when we can't do what we normally do.

I think that makes sense :-)

Anonymous said...

OF course not! But still, having the ability taken away is awful.

Kim said...

Darn that aching foot! Keeping you from enjoying all your favorite things LOL. Hope you can get it figured out!

Darla said...

Oh, ouch! {{{{hugs}}}} Good luck with the dr. Hope it's something simple to fix! Several years ago, I had severe pain in my feet and could hardly walk--luckily, it was an easy fix: wear shoes around the house. The house we lived in had thin, unpadded carpeting over concrete floors, and walking around barefoot had damaged them. After a week of wearing my cross-trainers all day, it was all better. Hope yours is as easy.

Anonymous said...

ooooh...I do hope they find out what the problem is. And you're right - if you're limping, you'll start to feel all sorts of other aches and pains from compensating for the limp. (sorry, didn't mean to be so cheerless)
On the other hand,
you can use the time to read up on the Bolshoi ballet so you'll know where to audition when you're ready...

Lori said...

So, do you normally do these things?? lol...great list, it made me giggle. Happy tt and thanks for stopping by:)

storyteller said...

I loved your imaginative list (and disclaimer) but am sorry your foot hurts and hope you're back to 'normal' soon. Now if I could get my 'knee' working right, I'd do a few of the things on your list just for fun.
Hugs and blessings,

Trish said...

I hope your foot feels better soon and that you have a wonderful visit with your parents.

Denise Patrick said...

Sorry about that foot. But, the problem as we get older is that things just hurt for the heck of it sometimes - but I hope you find out what's wrong and can get it fixed.

Thanks for visiting my TT!

Oh, and I'd recommend Blokus as a start for your kid. Clue is fun and he'd love it, too, but Blokus is like a puzzle and your daughter would probably enjoy it, too.

Mia Celeste said...

You poor kid, Hope the doctor helps.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Details, details...

I hope your foot feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

That would be awful for me! I do hope you recover soon.

Janet said...

Nit picking is about as much fun as not being able to walk! Hope your foot's ok!

Anonymous said...

Gosh I am so very sorry about your foot. I had this happen and found out I have morton's neuroma. The thing that helps me the most? I keep a small bottle of water frozen in the freezer. I roll my feet over them and it really helps.

I hope you feel better, Robin!

Anonymous said...

LOL! No, me neither.

Thanks for visiting. It's been a while since I TTed :)

Shannon said...

I am sorry about your achin' foot. Nothing worse than foot pain. Affects everything you try and do. Hope the doc has some good answers for you.

Anonymous said...

i say it's the foot that's holding you back from accomplishing greatness! think of the masterpieces that could have been painted by now! :) hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Lol, won't you be glad when you can do this again...

Put my foot behind my ear

Happy TT!

e-Mom @ Splash*

Anonymous said...

I hope you can figure out what's wrong! Ouch! I feel for you! Sounds very painful!

So No meeting strange cows by staircases and running back to the hotel!OK!


L^2 said...

I used to be able to do #1 and 7, but not sure I still could, even without an aching foot. Hope it's feeling better soon.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

I can't do those things, either, babe.

Take care of the tootsie and give me an update on what the doc says. I've got a guess; I'll let you know how far off I am.

Anonymous said...

Life is so unfair, keeping you from doing all those things over a little foot pain. Oh well. I guess you'll just have to put your feet up and make the kids do the chores. ;)

Dorit Sasson said...

Oh, this reminds me of the post I wrote back in October about my left foot. I hope that foot of yours sees some major healing right away...

Happy TT

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I used to be able to do the can-can. When I was 17...

Hope your foot become less mysterious and feels better soon.

pussreboots said...

Ouch. Hope your foot is feeling better soon. Happy belated TT.

Lilibeth said...

You wouldn't think a foot was so important until you need for it to work right and it doesn't. Hope you get it taken care of soon.

Anonymous said...

I've done somethgin to my foot too! I can't put my heel down on the floor for some reason. I'm limping around like an idiot and every keeps asking me about it. I suppose we'd better hurry up with that health insurance!