Friday, August 15, 2008



Claremont First Ward said...

Reminds me of "On Golden Pond". At least I think that's the movie with the Loons. :)

Leora said...

Oh, fun! Love the one where he stretches his neck toward the sky. Glad it is no longer pouring where you are. Looks like you got outside to enjoy the beautiful lake.

Anonymous said...

hee. when i saw "loons", i thought, she must mean me. i'm feeling a bit loony today. :)

happy weekend!

Shannon said...

We used to boat up into Canada in the summer and a family fave was hearing the loons. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Virginia. I expected a picture of me!!

Munchkins and Music said...

That looks so pretty.

Carol Anne said...

Beautiful! We heard the Loons every night while camping, but weren't lucky enough to see any this trip. Lucky you to get close enough to take such beautiful pictures.