Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fire Hydrant

(I will not dwell on the election. I will not dwell on the election. I will not dwell on the election. I will not dwell on the election. I will not dwell on the election...)
It's old and beat up looking, and could use a fresh coat of paint, but it's just that element of grittiness that appealed to me. Of course since it's also red I suspected when I shot it a few months ago (has it really been that long?) that if I didn't post it together with a bunch of other photos from the same day that it would eventually come in handy for a Ruby Tuesday post.
And now it has.


Anonymous said...

Nice choice. Like you I think the grittiness is what makes it special.

Anonymous said...

Robin, I just had a hard time leaving a comment on another blogger site with the embedded commenter.

So, yes, once again, love the little red hydrant and the bits of dirt. And the way you got red, white and blue all in one shot. Great shapes.

Robin said...

Thanks. The embedded doohickey seems to be down all over. None of them are working.

deedee said...

I am dwelling on the election.

Dawn Fortune said...

Loved the hydrant. Tried to leave a comment last night but it wouldn't let me, so I went to bed. It is beautifully battered and weather-beaten. In my part of New England, we'd describe it as "just about broken in."

And I am dwelling on this election. I am simply vibrating like my little dog when she sees a squirrel outside and she's inside. Our polls close in 12 hours. It will be a very, very long 24 hours from here.

Gattina said...

You could have called it rusty ruby/red, lol !

Anonymous said...

great shot!

Janet said...

stupid question...can you vote?

Mojo said...

So I'm not the only one who snaps red things with the idea that "I can use it for R/T sometime"... Good to know. I thought I was being obsessive or something.

And speaking as *ahem* an older thing, there's a character in old things that their shiny new cousins don't have.

Nice work!

Robin said...

Yup. Americans overseas can vote by absentee ballot :).

Anonymous said...

what a great picture!

Jientje said...

I think I'm going to watch CNN tonight.
Love the Ruby, Robin!

storyteller said...

I'm trying not to obsess, but I'm watching election results ... hoping for the best.

Mary had a red fire hydrant too! I played at Small Reflections today … and I’ve fixed the problem with embedded comments by enabling pop ups again.
Hugs and blessings,

Ralph said...

Who doesn't take an occasional 'what if' photo for an eventual Ruby Tuesday post? Makes plenty of sense to me!

When I was younger, we had a red fire hydrant in our back yard. we got it from Grandpa who had friends in Public Works. He gave it to us "for the dogs". And they utilized the hydrant, as you might expect...

MyMaracas said...

I think we all squirrel away red stuff, in case of a Tuesday emergency. ;-)

Love the texture and color of your hydrant.

Catherine said...

Of course, what else, otherwise that a Ruby Tuesday post! Perfect, Robin!

maryt/theteach said...

This fire hydrant, Robin, has put in a lot of time and saved a lot of lives it seems to me... Ha! :)