Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's a new day

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the sky is bright, bright blue.

It's a new world today my friends. A beautiful new world, full of hope and promise. Let us use it well and BE that change we've been so desperately hoping for.

Congratulations President Obama!!!


Anonymous said...

You tell it, sister! Amazing, historic day for us all. And lovely photo of water in Tel Aviv below. Come see my Nevada lake.

Anonymous said...

It's incredibly gratifying to hear people from around the world whose hope in America is being restored just as it is for so many Americans. For me his candidacy was never about his being black. It was about him having a realistic grasp of the world as it is today, not fifty years ago, and the role America needs to play now.

Anonymous said...

Yahoo!! My husband and I were crying during his speech. I had fallen asleep, but I woke up at 11:58, just in time to hear it. I'm SO glad I did!!

Janet said...

I loved that John McCain was gracious in his defeat...and thrilled that Obama has won!

Nancy said...


Hope, colorless, heartfelt, majority seen hope!

Preethi said...

CONGRATULATIONS INDEED.. What an inspiring speech last night... I also like Mc Cain's gracious speech!

Dawn Fortune said...

I still feel like I am in shock. Like I cannot grasp the enormity of what has happened to my world. Never in my Irish Catholic upbringing did I ever imagine that a man of African-American origin would be elected. I am elated and stunned. It seems too good to be real, too good to last, too good for us to be allowed to keep. I think I'll have to sit on it for a few days before I really get around to believing it is true.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you say that, as most of my family in Israel all think that no good can come from this for Israel.

carmilevy said...

I feel like I've been witness to history. It was such a machayah to watch him speak because his words were so resonant, so comforting and inclusive.

I kept thinking that this speech would be played and replayed many times in future, in much the same way that Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy's words have been turned into iconic messages. It made my heart happy.

BTW, thanks for asking about Zach. He started class yesterday...just a half day to ease him back into it. Today he's back full-day, and we'll see how he does when he gets home in the aft.

I'm sure you can find something remotely tied to the autumn theme! I have faith in you :)

Anonymous said...

it's not too bright and sunny from where i'm sitting. sigh. to each his own! :)

Carol Anne said...


storyteller said...

Amen to this ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Catherine said...

So much hope holder for one man!

Kaylia Metcalfe said...

I am so happy to have been a small part of this historic moment.

Someday my kids will ask me about the "BIG" things I got to see in my life... and I will tell them about the Gulf War, the 89 quake, 9/11.... and this!!!!!


Jientje said...

Let a new era begin for America!
I'm so glad he won!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

He's a man with everyone having high hopes of him! :) I'm sure he'll cope just fine :)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Wooooooooooo!!!!!! At last, at last - Oh Happy Day!

Phyllis Sommer said...

It was quite an experience:-) I'm still flying high:-)

Jill said...

It's a wonderful, wonderful day when we can finally break the mold and vote for the most competent person, regardless of race, religion, age.

I feel very proud to be an American right now - we finally did something right!

Lea said...

Robin it is the best to share this with you... thank you... I am so happy... more than words could ever express... XO