Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fleeting Beauty

Just a few moments before I happened to pass by yesterday this flower was probably at the peak of its beauty, beaming at pedestrians from a nearby hedge, but now it lies forlorn on a sidewalk, its moments numbered.
Treasure beauty wherever you find it, for it may be gone in the blink of an eye.
Yes, a bit maudlin. As you may guess from the tone of my post, our stressful situation has not yet been concluded, but hopefully will be by Thursday afternoon (oh how I hope so). Once it's all safely over I'll tell you about it.


Baila said...

I hope things turn out okay. I don't always comment, but I am a regular reader, and always enjoy my visits to your blog.

marLou said...

The pretty red pops out from the background. Hope all will be well with you.

maryt/theteach said...

Excellent shot for Seppia Scenes! It would have worked for Ruby Tuesday as well, Robin. I do hope your problem will be resolved successfully...

Jientje said...

Thinking of you Robin, sending you more good vibes...

Ralph said...

Toning down the sidewalk (or did you brighten it?) with sepia makes the red flower stand out better. You are right, savor the art when you can. Here is art that could be framed, a beauty!

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely shot, Robin. I do hope all is well!

kden said...

What a pretty shot. Definitely should be in a frame. I love your header but there is only one thing wrong with it. Your kitchen is too clean ;-) Doesn't look like mine at all.

Annie Jeffries said...

Wishing you all the very best. I'll be staying tuned. Maudlin it may be but life is like that sometime and this is a lovely illustration of hope and optomism.

Anonymous said...

hope things turn out okay! take care.

Libby's Library said...

Wish I could do something to help.

Janet said...

It made a beautiful picture, tho!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

yes hang on tight

Lea said...

I am glad you found a way to express what you are feeling... to say what you can and express it in such a way is only giving voice to what can not always be said. I'm hoping with you... XO

Anonymous said...

A beautiful combo of sepia and red.
The flower once had it's glory I'm sure :)

SandyCarlson said...

May the beauty endure; may peace come.

Carletta said...

Simplicity teamed with elegance - I love this great shot!

Take care Robin. May your days soon be stress free.

Anonymous said...

Very nice what you've done here! I forgot about that effect - but that red flower sure looks nice, especially since I'm so ready for spring!

Anonymous said...

I also hope that everything works out for you!

Jan Parrish said...

I love this imagery. Something bright and cheerful in an otherwise gloomy place.

followthatdog said...

Please let us know when you are safe. beautiful photo too.

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

This is stunning the red on gray and the simplicity of the photo is lovely. Hope you are all OK!

RA said...

I love flowers and this sepia scene makes it outstanding. Best wishes :)

Mojo said...

Still channeling all the good karma I can your way girl. With the time difference, I'm thinking it's already late afternoon, early evening there so I'm hoping you've already gotten good news.

Everything still crossed that I can cross.

Sherrie said...

Beautiful Shot! The flower looks good enough to frame. Have a great day!!


Dianne said...

this is so poignant. I'm glad I checked out today's post first so that I can feel the beauty of that flower as it relates to your good news

many hugs from NJ :)

Jackie said...

Oh this is a wonderful mix of sepia with color. I have to agree with Penny.

It does represent both lack of and abundance at the same time.

This absolutely wonderful Robin!!

Happy weekend,

Julie said...

Nicely done, I love the bit of color.