Sunday, February 1, 2009

Rosh Hanikra Grotto - from the inside out

Rosh Hanikra, on Israel's northern border, is a magical place - rock grottoes, crashing waves, kayaking spelunkers, history, even its own ghost story.
It was almost cheating to pick this image for Monochrome Maniacs though, since shooting from inside the darkness of the grotto towards the bright sunlight resulted in an image that was nearly completely desaturated as is. A formal shift to black and white, a slight boost to the contrast, a (nearly invisible on the blog) frame, and done.


"Sunshine" said...

Very awesome subject, Robin!

Jane Hards Photography said...

That really is simply elegant

Anonymous said...


Phyllis Sommer said...

totally one of my favorite places in israel. beautiful shot.

Mojo said...

That's a tough lighting challenge... but I guess you know that, huh?

And it's not "cheating". In fact if it comes out of the camera and goes right to publication that's about as "honest" as it gets! The only way it could be more honest is if you'd shot it in black and white to start with.

You do have some of the most fascinating things to point a camera at around there, I swear.

And I think you captured the magic of the place quite well!

Anonymous said...

What an interesting place to be able to photograph....Michelle

bichonpawz said...

Cool looking photo!!

Anonymous said...

A picture after my own heart.

Jientje said...

What a beautiful place, and a gorgeous picture! It reminds me of one of the grottoes I saw in Mallorca!

Gilit Frank said...

Did you walk down the beach south of the site? You can walk quite far south (my old stomping ground over the last 3 years). The boardwalk in Nahariya is also great to walk on with kids, and there are a lot of cafes on the boardwalk, without some ways nicer than the Tel Aviv boardwalk.

Robin said...

Not that day, perhaps on a future trip. By the time we were finished at Rosh Hanikra my kids were DONE and more than ready for an ice cream and a break.

Catherine said...

Your chidren must feel like filibusters after that excursion. Looks very mysterious with the play of light.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, I can not say any more than that.... :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

I want to go there! It's calling to me, really it is!

I love he way you've caught the light coming in while we're looking out.

Anonymous said...

That's a gorgeous shot!
It truly must be a magical place!

Carver said...

That's a wonderful shot. Makes me want to go exploring there.

Anonymous said...

looks very cozy and peaceful!

magiceye said...

wow! this is terrific!

Unknown said...

Thanks for drop by my monochrome.You have a nice monochrome shot too.I just love to see B&W image.Thanks

Daryl said...

Now I want to know about the ghost .. I like the contrast and the shape is very involving

Janet said...

It looked like a candle in the thumbnail!

Robin said...

Here you go Daryl. Leora blogged about the Rosh Hanikra ghost bride a few months ago.

J. Lynne said...

I love this photo. It should be framed and hung in my living room.

Joe Narvaez said...

This is such a pretty picture! Dramatic as well.

Anonymous said...


Libby's Library said...

Somehow, I missed this post. You picked the perfect description...magical.