Tuesday, February 10, 2009


If you're looking for my WW offering for 18 February please look here.
I put the wrong link in the first time. Sorry for any confusion.
Click to enlarge
And right on time*, too, today's storms notwithstanding.

Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what other people aren't saying this week.
* Tu B'Shvat was yesterday


Jientje said...

Awww, yesssss, yessss!!!! Spring!!!
Not here, not yet anyway!! It has been raining non stop for two days now!!

Anonymous said...

i love the first little hints of spring!

Janet said...

ahhhh...no hints around here LMAO! Unless it's the fact that the snow piles are a bit smaller :-)

Tim said...

Is it time already in Israel? *sigh* And I am here why? :)

Cheryl Pitt said...

Spring? Hallelujah! Only a few more weeks till spring here...

Anonymous said...

I have heard some birds making territorial calls, but I have snow, ice and mud for a yard...LOL..Michelle

Dawn Fortune said...

Spring?! SPRING?!?!! It's FEBRUARY, Robin! It is NOT spring. I don't give a damn what the shrubbery says, it is still winter! And I've got a yard full of ice and snow to prove it. Unless you want an armed insurrection from some of your readers, I would suggest that you might want to refrain from pictures of budding things or flowering things or new shoots of stuff for at least another month. Mid-March is when we start tomato seedlings indoors here in Maine. At least get is through St. Pat's before you show us any more pictures of how wonderful it is there and isn't here, eh? Thanks.

Jill said...

Oh how I miss spring. We kinda skipped right on over that season here. :)

Enjoy the rain there!

Lea said...

You are spot on Robin! THIS is exactly when Spring lets us know she is coming, not to despair, see those baby green growths??? That is the whispers of Spring for us to dream on as we turn the corner of Winter into Spring...

A Gilmore Girls Fan said...

Beautiful as always. I love how everything is out of focus except the hint of Spring coming. Nice shot.

Happy WW!

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Those tiny buds hold so much promise.
Happy WW

catsynth said...

The first fine details of spring are arriving! We can hardly wait.

Anonymous said...

Your picture gives me hope. Here in Reno, we are in the midst of a series of winter snow storms. It's actually good, though - we need the water.

jams o donnell said...

Ah that's a sight I am so pleased to see! Happy WW

bichonpawz said...

Wish I could see blooms through all the snow in my yard...enjoy your signs of spring!

deedee said...

You are a bit ahead of us, my plum tree has just the beginnings of buds.
Happy Day :)

Indrani said...

I am glad you stopped to admire and shoot the tiny leaves!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see spring on the way...and perhaps this year a sign of new hope for peace...

The Riverbum said...

We are also getting the first few flowers of spring here in central Georgia. I opted for a beach shot for today's Wordless Wednesday, but there are a few flowers posted a few days ago.

Beth F said...

Oh lucky you! I won't see that sight until April!

4 Lettre Words said...

Ahhh....yes! It's coming here, too.

Happy WW to you!

Anonymous said...

Lovely shot. Nice to see that spring is around the corner.
The tea on the photo was green tea.

Mojo said...

Hope springs eternal, na? Lovely catch...

Anonymous said...

Signs of Spring :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yay, we are really going to love spring this year after a long, hard winter:(

marcia@joyismygoal said...

we had storms too

Anna said...

I can't wait for spring... Hopefully it's not too far away. The weather has been taunting us here though... It's been so nice and warm for February!

eastcoastlife said...

For those who were having cold winter, you must be glad! Seeing the new yellow buds cheer me up too. :)

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

That is too funny that we have the same thing going on with our photos today! I love the yellow of yours - it just pops against the background. Very nice.

Sadly, we'll still have snow and freezing temps, so nothing will be blooming around here for a few more months.

Happy WW!

btw - LOVE the new look of your blog - very cool!

Anonymous said...

So pretty, the first signs of spring. I only hope that my apples trees will wait until after the last freeze to bloom this year.

Daisy Deadhead said...

Lovely photo, and yes, nice new blog layout! :)

Feline Urgent Rescue

Maribeth said...

No, really?

RivkA with a capital A said...


talk about capturing the moment!!

Dora said...

Oh...flowers are starting to blossom...;)

nancy said...

Hopefully it survived the storm... YAY for spring

Pamela said...

my neighbors primrose are blooming. I think you are right.