Tuesday, March 17, 2009


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Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what other people aren't saying this week.



Anonymous said...

Emu? Ostrich? A face only a mother could love? What the heck IS that?

Robin said...

Emu - it was at the play park we went to last weekend :-).

Anonymous said...

Great photo! Love the backdrop. Thanks for tweeting it. I was able to click to your post quickly.

Claremont First Ward said...

Couldn't have picked a better shot for the heading!

Libby's Library said...

Amazing - her(?) eyes are beautiful.

Janet said...

That's kind of scary ;-)

Anonymous said...

A brave closeup. Were you attacked right after clicking the shutter?

Robin said...

He was actually behind a low fence, but he could've leaned over and pecked me. Good thing I was quick ;-).

Anonymous said...

Really great photo. I'm surprised that there seems to be so much --intelligence? feeling? curiosity?-- in his or her eyes.

catsynth said...

We see you! (How could we not?)

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm glad you told us what this "lovely" bird is. Actually, it's kind of "cute" in a weird way.

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Worth staying up late for hehe or I'm easily entertained this time of the morning :) Great Shot!
Happy WW

Shannon said...

Great shot but I don't think I could have gotten too close to an emu. I am bit afraid of birds that can beat me in a fight.

SandyCarlson said...

What a serious-faced fellow. I hope he has a good day. Thanks for sharing his handsomeness!

Sara Elizabeth said...

Happy WW. This is an awesome photo. How you got close enough to take this, I have no idea. Haha. I love the eyes and it almost looks like its smiling.

The Riverbum said...


Anonymous said...

LOL! How cute . . . in a freaky sort of way!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot!!

Beth F said...

OMG! Look at those eyes!!! Terrific shot.

deedee said...

He kind of looks nice from this angle :)

dday said...

scary!LOL! looks like he wants to bite me. Happy WW!

Shannon said...

Awesome! I have never seen an Emu so up close and personal. Fascinating!

Indrani said...

Made me smile.
Great shot!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Love this ;--)
Seems like this Emu was posing for your camera knowing you'd make it famous.
Hugs and blessings,

InventingLiz said...

Great close-up! But I can't tell if he is pissed off or just curious!

Anonymous said...

Nice! Love the angle and how both eyes are nice and sharp.

Mojo said...

Peekaboo... Eyes Emu!
Sorry. I had to. It's like Tourette's or something. I just can't help myself.

Daryl said...

Oh I love that face ...

Anonymous said...

Hungry maybe? Cutie for sure!

A.M.I.N.A said...

Looks like he is ready to chase you, after you taken his pic. :) Happy WW.

maryt/theteach said...

UGLY! Hope this isn't a favorite pet, Robin... :)

kayerj said...

I vote this the best of the day!

Anonymous said...

Great shot. I wish I had eyelashes like that.

However, I don't like emus. Once, I visited a farm that had some. One started "dancing" with me. The owner told me not to dance back, because it was a "mating" dance. Luckily, there was a fence between the amorous emu and me...

PJ said...

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, right? That's hysterical!

Anonymous said...

I enlarged it it scared the life out of me!