Thursday, April 23, 2009

Inside looking out

Click photos to enlarge
This week is the inaugural edition of Window Views, Mary the Teach's newest photo prompt and one that is sure to inspire all sorts of wonderful creativity. My first entry isn't a fantastic photo technically, but I love the joy in Maya's expression as she pauses momentarily to give a quick mid-play smile. The second entry was taken from the other side of the same play structure, with it's open tunnel replacing the round bubble window. It's not a window shot per se, but since both shots highlight the round shape of the tunnel I'm cheating and having them do double-duty for both Window Views and Carmi's Thematic Photographic, whose theme this week is "round".
I'm sneaky that way.
Besides, who could resist a chance to show off those gorgeous eyes. I did absolutely nothing to that shot other than add the frame, it's straight out of the camera. If I were going to photoshop it, I'd have done something about that beach-blown rat's nest Maya's got on top of her head (can you believe those are were actually two pigtails in there?), not to mention the odd cast the red tunnel gives to her skin, but the eyes were so perfect that I left it exactly as it was. Enlarge the photo and you'll see what I mean - her eyes are so clear they're spooky.
Both of these photos were taken this past Saturday during our afternoon at the beach. I'm getting a lot of mileage out of that one afternoon, photographically speaking. I'll have to bring my camera along more often.
Have a great day everyone. Swing by Window Views too and join in the fun over there. The more the merrier.


RivkA with a capital A said...

I LOVE these pics. It's like they are looking out of their porthole onto the wonders of the world....

"Sunshine" said...

What a precious child! It's great to get those shots where you can tell they're really having a good time :)

Anonymous said...

Window views....interesting idea for a meme...

ellen b. said...

Both of her expressions are wonderfully caught! I see why you enjoy these shots Robin!

RA said...

Lovely shots, Robin! You could also say the windows of the eyes. Very pretty ones. I agree to you all the way. Have a great day :)

Susan Wingate said...

This is such a great idea of writing "around the island" - fun.
What beautiful photos...

Maddy said...

I was there earlier. This is definitely worth it just for those eyes!
Well done you.

Danielle said...

Very pretty eyes! Her hair looks great and natural for a kid. It means she's having fun right? I like the unique "window view" on the playground equipment. Cute!

Anonymous said...

My God, she is beautiful. :)

Dianne said...

she's beautiful!

I love the light in the second shot, it just glows around her

DNLee said...

I love your banner photo. beautiful, celan kitchen.

Lew said...

Kids in any window make great photos! She looks like she is having a grand time.

Leora said...

Eye-catching photos. Especially the reds on the bottom one. Great glow.

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Actually, I think the red glow is what makes that picture!

Anonymous said...

Her hair reflects nicely around the red tube :) She's beautiful!

day by day said...

These are great photos, Robin!!

Ivanhoe said...

I love the round framing of the window. What a cute little girl you have :o)

Maddy said... update!

Maribeth said...

Oh WOW!!!!!! Maya looks so beautiful. You do know that your daughter is gorgeous, right?

maryt/theteach said...

A perfect first Window Views post, Robin! Maya's smiles are winners in my book! Thank you for joining in our brand new meme! I really appreciate it! :)

Ingrid said...

That's a real special window, lol ! very cute pictures !

Nicole said...

What a cool idea and she does indeed look just great.
The colour of those eyes is amazing!

Shannon said...

I am so glad that you didn't touch those photos. What little girl playing at the park has neat hair anyway? She is perfect just the way she is! And absolutely gorgeous!!

Sherrie said...

That's a great view she has! And your are right, her eyes are beautiful!! I wouldn't do anything to this photo, except enlarge it and frame it! Have a great day!!


Anonymous said...

You are so right about her eyes in that second shot. I love the red cast from the tunnel.

Your header is lovely too. What a sunny and bright kitchen!

Kathy b in California

Annie Jeffries said...

A universally beloved game set for young and old alike. Sweet.

kayerj said...

I visited here yesterday, and fell in love with the view of your window.

Thanks for stopping by--and all of your kind comments

Unknown said...

Nice shots of your daughter. I like the round theme, too. :)

Jientje said...

Woohoo, a new meme!! I love windows, so this one is right up my alley!! I love yours! Thanks for pointing this out, it should be fun!

Jennifer said...

She is adorable!!!! Beautiful eyes!

Mojo said...

I wouldn't change one single thing about either of these. Not one thing.

So Mary's started up a new meme? And she didn't tell me? Humph! I'll have to check it out. (Yeah, like I needed another one!)

Pamela said...

glad you mentioned her eyes -- as my first thought was her eyes were beautiful and round -- and that could be the real topic

Unknown said...

That child is beautiful! I love the pictures as they are.

Amanda Guthrie said...

This is absolutely perfect for Both themes. Looks like a fun day!

Amanda Guthrie said...

This is absolutely perfect for Both themes. Looks like a fun day!

Karen ~Georgia Angel said...

I think the red tint helps to bring out the bright blue eyes. I like it.

PastormacsAnn said...

These are fantastic! That second shot is absolutely stunning! Great photos for both the challenges - Carmi's & Mary's.