Actully I haven't the faintest idea what this is, but I find it's bottle brush appearance quite striking. It reminds me of a porcupine, or at least how a porcupine might look if it were a tree. I think it's some type of palm, but my googling hasn't turned up anything even remotely similar, so I can't be sure. Heck, I can't even be nearly sure. Or even slightly optimistic.
Any budding herbologists out there want to take a guess? (Get it? budding herbologists? I crack myself up.)
More monochrome shots can be found over at Aileni's - swing by and have a look.
I have not a clue, but it's definitely cool looking! :-)
Makes a superb design.
I really do not know, but love it in monochrome. (Love your blog idea of "an island" btw :) Nice island!)
So strange and different, but beautiful.
Nice start of this week to you.
It certainly make its point(s)...
It does look a little bit like a plant version of a porcupine. I think I know what it is but I can't think of the name. If I find it in my books, I'll come back and tell you what I think it is.
Yep, I'm like that on plant identification too! And birds. Great shots though.
What a fascinating plant,shall we call it Spiky? lol
Looks very good in mono though.
Mmmmm.... not sure what it is, but it's a great shot to use for Mono. Yea, I like spiky.
Palms tend to look great in monochrome. This one is no exception. Interesting plant.
I guess it really doesn't matter what you call it as long as you like it! Turns int great b&w photo.
It's a...
...stunning piece of photography. Great use of texture and light.
Funny how anyone else would just see a plant. You, on the other hand, see its potential. I find that totally cool.
I'm not a 'budding herbologist' either :(
But the photos are fabulous!
Neat ... but the link for the comments is not appearing unless I click on your 'home' page URL ..
I love the tonality in the succulent.
Looks like a yucca to me. But what do I know?
I'll tell you what I know... I know it's a fantastic photo that's what I know. Really marvelous tonality and contrast. And I love the way it radiates like.. a radiant thingie.
...a strange plant! But beautiful! =) Thank you for your visit.
"A radiant thingie" - perfect, I love it.
I have no idea what's going on with the comments Daryl, but I think it's something with Blogger. I've had trouble refreshing all day. Hopefully they'll get it sorted soon.
Looks like a great textile pattern.
It is nice whatever it is. Looks great in B&W.
Patterns nicely captured in this mono.
Neat shots both!
Lovely lines. This wouldn't look anywhere near as good in colour.
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