Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Springtime at the Beach in Tel Aviv

Taken last Saturday, the same day as this one.
Click to enlarge any of the photos on this page,
and visit Wordless Wednesday to see who else isn't talking today.


Anonymous said...

those pictures are awesome! what a great beach! glad you and your parents had a nice long visit!

Maribeth said...

What beautiful pictures! And I LOVE the one of Maya! You really captured her!

Shannon said...

Beautiful! Especially that little girl.

Janet said...

What beautiful eyes she has!

Phyllis Sommer said...

okay maya is gorgeous but i'm just plain jealous. we just *can't* seem to get spring going around here!!!

Sara Bonds said...

So beautiful. I love the first photo and the last photo the best. These are just so lovely.

Happy WW from Sara @ Mostly Wordless Wednesday HQ!

catsynth said...

Beautiful. All of the pictures.

(Sometimes I miss living near the beach)

Stan said...

Beautiful, sunny pictures. I see all is not doom and gloom in Israel. I played in the Mediterranean Sea off Spain when I was about the age of the boy in your picture.

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

It looks so refreshing Robin! We are having a heat wave in the 9o's and it's still April! Thanks for sharing> Happy WW

Marites said...

oh my, beautiful beach pictures! got me missing the beach again. The picture of the kid is really cute.

My WW is up too.

Anya said...

Beautiful shots from the sea !!
Happy WW !!

A Maui Blog said...

Beautiful Smile of a beautiful younf girl. And the ocean photo is nice too :)

Nicole said...

I wouldn't mind spending some time there :D
It's cloudy and a bit cold over here today :)
And a beautiful Portrait of the girl!

Terri said...

Beautiful beach! Beautiful young girl!

Indrani said...

It is a long time since I have been to a beach. I am longing to wet my feet after seeing these. :)

Felisol said...

Dear Robin,
I cannot find your Ruby Tuesday, so I'll enviously place my comment here.
Tel Aviv in April looks like a dream.
How I would love to plunge in those wonderful blue waves soothing my old, aching limbs.
Enjoy of all your heart.
From Felisol

Robin said...

I didn't have a Ruby Tuesday this week Felisol, I put up the Holocaust Remembrance Day post instead, and thank you for the heartfelt comment you left there.

Anonymous said...

I love the stones on the beach. And that gorgeous face, of course! :-)

InventingLiz said...

So nice! I'm not really a beach person, but these are pretty and refreshing!

Amy said...

I love your blog header. So neat. Great pictures. Happy Earth day.

I am Harriet said...

Absolutely beautiful
Wish I were there!

Laura said...

Love your pictures, the beach looks amazing!

lareine said...

white sandy beach, cool blue sea and that wonderful smile --- great metaphors for the warm season!

Beth F said...

Beautiful shots! And beautiful daughter!

jams o donnell said...

Great shots! WHat a wonderful sight. It's been far too long since I set foot on a beach, even a relatively cold English one!

Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Oh how wonderful! Looks much warmer and more inviting than my snowy road trip!! Love the last shot - she's so beautiful!! :D

Anonymous said...

Great shots and a great smile!

josie2shoes said...

The light shines from Maya and around her - this is an amazingly beautiful photograph that you will treasure for all the years to come!

RA said...

Stunning view! I would love to visit this beach. Beautiful smile. So adorable.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I love your photography. So beautiful.

Jill said...

Oh I miss that view... and if my hubby saw those photos he'd probably cry! :)

Unknown said...

That is truly an amazing picture of Maya! All of them are amazing, actually. :)

maryt/theteach said...

Yes, only in Israel!! The gorgeous sun, blue, blue sea and the sand! Spring comes hot and early, eh, Robin! And there is the beautiful little girl, maya, again! So are her eyes blue, green, or what? :)

Robin said...

They're pretty much "or what" - some days they look green, some days blue, my mother claims that they look gold.

Whatever they are, I love them. Growing up I always wanted eyes that changed color, instead of the "doody colored" brown ones that I have (yes, I'm still traumatized from having a second-grade classmate tell me I had doody-colored eyes).

Jennifer said...

Wow, such beautiful shots!!!

Mojo said...

Looks like it was blowing pretty hard there that day. But in that last shot you can almost see an 8-year-old Robin. She's looking in the same direction and with the same inclination as your avatar photo which is what dials it in so well I think.

Sandier Pastures said...

Yay! It's beach time! You captured everything perfectly, especially Maya.

Daryl said...

More wonderful pix but I cant see the WORDS!!!! :-(

Ellie said...

I grew up going to the Black Sea. Golden sands, cozy beaches, no sharks. Now I live 2 hours away from the Atlantic. I like a beach - doesn't matter where, but the ocean is so big - it looks like the world is split into half water half land and you are about to be swallowed in the crack between them :)