Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer Stock #8 - Tel Aviv Photo Walk

I spent four hot and very sweaty hours today trundling around South Tel Aviv as part of Scott Kelby's second annual Worldwide Photowalk. These photowalks are taking place in over 900 (yes, 900) locations around the world today, with over 30,000 people walking. I'd checked a while back and been disappointed to see that there were no walks scheduled in Israel. Luckily I decided to check once more yesterday and was delighted to see that there were now three - including one right in Tel Aviv (big props to our photowalk host Lior for taking the initiative and organizing it). Over the course of the afternoon our not so little group wove our way around the southern end of the city from the beach, inward through the colorful and quirky Neve Zedek neighborhood, then into the shadows of luxury highrises and back out through industrial back alleys which haven't changed noticeably in the past thirty years, except for increasing amounts of crumbling plaster and peeling paint, and finally back to the beach to catch the (somewhat disappointing) sunset over the Mediterranean Sea.

For Summer Stock today I've chosen a few highlights, many more images will follow as I have time to process them in the coming days.
All images are clickable. Enjoy.


This was my day today. I had a great, if very hot, afternoon on the photowalk. It was a really interesting group too, ranging from serious professional photographers with lenses bigger than my arm (not really, but nearly) to interested amateurs with little point and shoots, and pretty much everything in between. I'm really looking forward to seeing the images everyone came away with.
Now it's your turn. Put up your Summer Stock post and then come here and post your permalink (the link to the individual post, rather than to your blog's main page - this makes it much easier for everyone to follow along - you can get the permalink by clicking on your post's title). Your Summer Stock images can be anything at all that says summer to you, but please tag the post as Summer Stock and link back to Around the Island so that we can all find you. Most importantly, have fun with it, and do take the time to visit your fellow participants - it's great fun to see what summer looks like all over the world.

UPDATE: I, or rather my blog, has been migrated to mister linkie's new server so all is well again in linkie land. I'll add links for those who've posted theirs in comments, for those of you just arriving now please just add your permalink as usual. Hopefully the links will work more smoothly from here on out.


kayerj said...

how interesting, I've never heard of a photo walk

my summer stock photo can be seen here

Anonymous said...

A photo walk...sounds interesting. :)

maryt/theteach said...

A photo walk is as good idea! My Summer Stock Sunday photois up!

Try putting a "2" after"www" in your html code for Mr. Linky. See if that works, Robin...

Robin said...

Thanks Mary. I'm actually in contact with their helpdesk now. They're apparently migrating me to the new server which is supposed to solve things. They also had me remove some obsolete code that was in there. Hopefully this will all be straightened out soon so that I can go to bed - it's nearly 1am here already and I'm beat!

maryt/theteach said...

This is my link for Summer Stock Sunday

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Robin - I love these. That high rise is spectacular!

Anonymous said...

I did the PhotoWalk in my town today, too! I'm glad you had fun!

Dianne said...

A Photo Walk is a great idea!!

Love the shot of the sunbathers on the terrace
Love all the shots

my post is at

Jan said...

Hi Robin. Sounds like a great time and idea. Hope it was cooler there than here - 106 degrees.

mother in israel said...

Those are beautiful. Mimi (Israeli Kitchen) signed up for a 12-session photog. course in TA, some am & some pm. Thinking about it. You may be too advanced for it.

Anonymous said...

I took the kids to the NC Zoo today - it sure felt like photo walk - everybody was paparazziing those giraffes :) I'll post the pictures soon. To see my Summer Stock entry - click on my name :)

Glennis said...

Come on a scenic drive to the Wairau River Reserve with us, just a short drive down a country lane.
Photo walks are fun, for the walker and the viewer.
I will try to find my Linky later.

Leora said...

Love the mirror shot. This photowalk thing sounds fun. Want to hear more (and see more of your pics).

Summer Stock: My Swimmer

Good luck with Mr. Linky.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Photowalk is a fantastic idea - hadn't heard of it before today, but it sounds enchanting.

Love that first shot with the mirror!

My Summer Stock Sunday is a reunion after 25 years.

Mojo said...

What a neat concept! Wish I'd known, I'd have checked it out to see if anybody was doing one here. And perhaps organized one if nobody else did. Surely there's gotta be more photobloggers in Raleigh than just me and Carver...

I took a small break from the beach this week because this time next week I'll be at Topsail Beach for a "manufactured" 3-day weekend, and you can believe many, many images will follow. But I couldn't stay away from the water... it's just not a vast a body this time around.

If my luck holds and my new laptop plays nicely with the internet connections at the Holiday Inn, you could be seeing perhaps "real time" imagery direct from Topsail Island next week. I have all the setup I need, it's just a matter of whether or not the hotel really means it when they say "free high speed internet". But rest assured, be it "live" or be it "Memorex" you will be seeing a lot of the island before the summer is out.

judi/Gmj said...

Cool ideas you have! Judi

Robert said...

Hi Robin,

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad to see someone still reads it. I like the photos you put up here. I love shots into mirrors. There's something about changing perspective that I really like. Can't wait to see more.

bichonpawz said...

Robin! I LOVE these! Especially the mirror shot...and the highrise! Your perspective is just perfect. Happy Sunday!

Jientje said...

I would have loved to have been on one of those world wide photo walks, and perhaps, who knows, maybe one day I will! I Never say never, I'm always on a photo walk SOMEwhere! I love the pictures you took, you were very inspired I can tell! That last one is my real favorite, and I love the reflection in the mirror and the tall white building against that beautiful blue sky! This is a great series Robin!

I did a little photo walk of my own last Sunday, revisiting the village of my grandmother. When I was there the last time, I fell into that ditch and ruined my camera, remember? I managed to stay out of trouble this time, and the pictures are up now!
Have a great Sunday!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

That sounds like great fun and I love all your photo's.

This Eclectic Life said...

A photo walk sounds like fun, and I'm betting it gave you a lot of inspiration. I love the mirror!

Ginger said...

I love the mirror shot best. This is a great idea for a meme, one that I can really get excited about because I have so many summer photos to post!I go on photo walks all the time and everything around here screams "SUMMER"!

Dina in Jerusalem said...

Good for you for braving the heat and shlepping a camera all over Tel Aviv. You got some great shots.

My Summer Stock is up. A more pleasant post than last week's picture of anti-bug bite equipment. :)
Shalom to all.

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

A photo taking walk sounds really fun. Nice shots.

I had a week away on holiday and am only now getting round to catching up on here. I hopefully should be back playing next week! :-)

Danielle Says Hello said...

I remembered Mr. Linky this week! Thanks for the reminder. I do believe that today would be a wonderful day for my daughter and I to take a 'photowalk' around our community. Thanks for the idea.

Jael said...

Great pictures! Is that high rise the one facing Neve Zedeq? Great picture of the sunbathers at the balcony!
And what a great banner you have of your kitchen here in your blog!

Robin said...

Thanks Yaelian, on both counts :).

That is the Neve Zedek highrise. From an urban planning point of view I hate it, it's a montrosity right smack dab up against a wonderful unique low-density neighborhood and towers over it like Godzilla, but I have to admit that it's stunning architecturally.

Maude Lynn said...

What a fun idea!

unmitigated me said...

Found you at weldable cookies. Love the photo of the mirror. All of them, really. Is there an info page about Summer Stock? I'm one of those wannabes with a point and shoot, but I'd like to graduate!

Robin said...

Hi Middle Aged Woman, welcome, I'm glad you found us.

The official launch of Summer Stock was announced here, but it's basically very simple - each Saturday at midnight Israel time (5pm EDT) I put up the week's Summer Stock post. To participate, all you have to do is put up a post of your own with a photo, any photo, that means "summer" to you with a link back here to Around the Island. Then come here and sign the linkie with your post's permalink and start visiting join in the fun. That's all there is to it. The linkie stays current all week, so no worries if you're not ready right away.

If you click the label "Summer Stock" on this post it will bring you to all the previous ones so you can see what it's all about.

Jump right in and join us, the more the merrier :). The best way to "graduate" is to start shooting a lot and see what does and doesn't work for you.

Joyce said...

What a fun time. I wish I had known about this as I would have looked for one in my area too. I am learning so much from your fun blog and meeting such incredible and interesting people. Thanks for hosting.

Thorne said...

They are all excellent, but that first shot of the convex mirror really blows my skirt up!!

Anonymous said...

Those are some really nice photographs from the Photo Walk. Our group had but 7 people. I swear we spent more time cooling off at Starbucks than we did walking around since we're experiencing a bit of a heat wave right now. I too have yet to post-process the hundred plus photos I took. I did however post my best one of my blog already. Definitely was worth it.

Wishing you a scent-sational day!

Mamí♥Picture said...

Excellent Pictures!

Come Away With Me said...

Shalom Robin...I just recently discovered your blog and this wonderful Summer Stock Sunday over at Dina's blog, and decided I will jump right in. I've posted my first Summer Stock.

I look forward to enjoying the summer with everyone's photos from all over, and thank you for hosting this.

I enjoyed the views of Tel Aviv you've been showing us.


Cookie said...

Great pics! I posted some pics on my blog tonight, but not quite what I woudl call very "summery."

amanda said...

A photo walk is a great idea hummm.
Robin! can you believe it?!?! I got this in on Sunday

Martha said...

Just posted some shots from my photo walk :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Robin,
I am late
I love your mirror reflection, absolutely super when enlarged.
Sounds very hot over there, do you want some of our rain...

Suki said...

Never heard of a photo walk! So you join a group of photo bloggers and snap at anything that seems interesting along your journey? Is that how it goes?
Btw lovely photos esp the ones showing the mirror and the hotel balconies.

Kranky Granny said...

Love you photos. Thanks for the visit. You will have quite a trip to get from Tel Aviv to New Hampshire.

I gather you are a New Englander transplanted in Israel. That does answer a few questions for me.

Hope your kids get to go to that carnival. It is certainly one of the best summer memories.

Inday said...

I've been always curious about what life is like over in Israel, the physical country, not the Biblical Israel.

Thanks to blogging in blogspot and all these memes that link bloggers together in one pictorial rope.

Ironically, to what is summer to you, it is winter down here in the southern hemisphere.

I guess I am convince now that the moon have two faces. :)

I find your blog very interesting to read Robin. So every now and then I'll come checking what's on your menu. I especially love your kitchen. :)

I wish I can have a mixer like yours so I can bake Chiffon Cake all the time. :)

Before I forget, pardon the ignorance, or is it perhaps the lack of reading of what? The Photowalk sounds thrilling. I can make use of my Eric (mobile phone) camera. Forget sophistibated cams. Mine does a good job (sometimes).

Happy Tuesday!