Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Where the fairies live

Click to enlarge
And it's got a door, too. (Of course it does, how else would they get in?)
The party was a smashing success, the birthday girl was thrilled, but I'm utterly shattered and still have a late night conference call with California to get through so the cake will have to do it for tonight. I'm not even looking at the actual party photos until tomorrow. (Excuse the shiny flash reflection, all the natural lighting shots came out strangely discolored. I think all the beige in my kitchen was throwing off the white balance or something but I was too busy to take the time to sort it out.)
Have a great rest of the day everyone. I'll be by to visit tomorrow.


maryt/theteach said...

Robin, great "Windows" post but I'm worried why you're "shattered." I hope things are all right...

Mojo said...

Awesome cake! And I know Miss Mouse must've loved it.

Get a power nap, some strong coffee, and a Tranzene and you'll be sound as a shekel. Or something. I hope. Like Mary, I hope you don't mean "shattered" in ... some of the ways you could mean it.

imom said...

That cake is adorable! I bet everyone had a great time.

InventingLiz said...

Great cake! Hope you get to rest soon!

Jael said...

What a pretty cake Robin! Hope you are fine by now....

Scribbit said...

Okay that is amazingly cute--I didn't know you were such a master!

Robin said...

Not to worry, I'm simply exhausted from being run off of my feet from 6:30 in the morning until now - 11:30pm (even with a professional entertainer hosting a party for forty (yes, 40) kindergarteners is a huge amount of work, and physical work too given the utterly revolting state I found the party room in yesterday evening), but now I've just finished my conference call and plan a nice relaxing soak in the jacuzzi and then off to bed :).

Sara at Come Away With Me said...

What a lovely and very creative cake. And where did you find those cute little fairies? Such a special treat for the birthday girl.

I do hope your life calms down real soon!

Libby's Library said...

The cake is adorable!
I'm looking forward to seeing photo's of the party:-)

RivkA with a capital A said...

OMG -- I am bowing in your presence. That cake is totally awesome!!

toby said...

Amazing cake! We're actually celebrating my youngest's birthday tomorrow afternoon - but we've only invited 20 girls, not 40 *gasp* Thanks for making me feel like I got off easy!

Jen said...

What an awesome cake! My Lego cake of a few years ago...uh...yeah, let's just be happy the kids were thrilled with the CAKE! and FROSTING! and SUGAR! LOL

Maribeth said...

Fabulous cake! Happy Birthday to Maya!

VioletSky said...

What an adorable cake. It looks quite sugar coated!

Anonymous said...

Perfect home for fairies! I hope you didn't eat it. I mean, where would the fairies go if you ate their house?

kayerj said...

I'm glad the birthday party was such a success. That cake is adorable.

anymommy said...

This is the most perfect little girl fairy cake I have ever seen. So glad it was a success!

Maurice Lauher said...

Red doors are always intersting!

Commenter Abbi said...

What a great cake! You are an officially dedicated mom! And it definitely won't end up on Cake Wrecks. :D

bichonpawz said...

Now that is one of the coolest cakes I've ever seen!!! Way to go Robin and Happy Birthday to your little one!!

MaR said...

The cake looks fantastic!! with a cake like that, the party just had to be a success!!

Gemma Wiseman said...

That cake is a fantasy winner! It must have taken a lot of time, patience and love to make! Looks wonderful!

quilly said...

That cake is to cute to cut! How wonderful -- and how much work! I wish you were my mom!

Suki said...

That cake looks so yummy!! What a pity it had to be sliced up.

Daryl said...

you did an amazing job on that cake ... and I am sure it was the best party she's had todate...

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I want one of those for my birthday.

Maria Berg said...

Perfect! Good on you and 40 kids!!! It is hard doing a party for so many kids, last year I had 20 and this year I told my dotter only to invite the girls so 10 this year.

And I hope you did have a good time in the jacuzzi after so long work, have a nice weekend,

Maria Berg, Sweden

Grace @ Sandier Pastures said...

OMG Robin!! Pristine is soo jealous of Maya's cake!! And who wouldn't? Even I'd like to have that kind of cutesy cake for my own birthday!