Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Rain God

Doesn't it sometimes feel like the sky is brighter somewhere else? Somewhere you aren't? Have you ever wondered if you may in fact be another
Rob McKenna*?
It was starting to feel a bit like that in Israel earlier this week, as the country experienced the
first major rainstorm of the season. After four days of nearly constant rain things were looking and feeling pretty soggy, which made this sky, with the sun trying so valiantly to break through, all the more welcome.

Click to enlarge
Visit Skywatch Friday to see what everyone else's skies look like this week.
* And as he drove on, the rain clouds dragged down the sky after him for, though he did not know it, Rob McKenna was a Rain God. All he knew was that his working days were miserable and he had a succession of lousy holidays. All the clouds knew was that they loved him and wanted to be near him, to cherish him and to water him.~~~So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (the fourth book in Douglas Adams' fabulously wonderful Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy series)


Mojo said...

Well I don't know from Rob McKenna or Rain Gods, but I know a gobsmacking gorgeous sky when I see one. And this qualifies. Nice shooting!

Judy said...

It is indeed a gorgeous sky!!! I love the way the sun catches the clouds near the horizon and paints them gold!!

Quiet Paths said...

Really a dramatic shot; you can tell that it's been raining! I admire the colors.

Eve said...

What a pretty sky. Hmm, now I'm going to have to go and read that book - it sounds intriguing!

Carver said...

Fantastic sky. So beautiful.

annalarssonphotography said...

Gorgeous sky Robin!!

Have a great weekend :)

Sylvia K said...

So incredibly beautiful, gorgeous colors and a terrific shot, Robin! Love to see that struggling sun!

Enjoy your weekend!


Daryl said...

Another super shot ... enjoy the weekend may it bring dry skies

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

An amazing shot, my friend. I'd love to have seen it in person and just ... taken it in.

(I've got ugly grey clouds rolling in, but there's something captivating about them, too.)

Eaglesbrother said...

Dramatic sky..such beauty can be found in the most unexpected places when we are receptive to what is around us.

Great capture.

Unknown said...

lovely shot!!

maryt/theteach said...

Never read Hitchhikers but that quote tells me I should. I understand Israel is hppy for the rain, Robin. Been a long dry season... :)

Amanda said...

neat photo!!! It looks like multiple layers of clouds!!! Great shot!!! Happy rain and SkyWatch =)

... said...

Great photo :)

quilly said...

The rains have come to Hawaii. Soon my lawn will be green again. The air is fresh and it is cool enough to go outside -- but too wet to care!

quilly said...

Did I forget to mention that that's a gorgeous sky shot? Love those silver linings.

imom said...

Gorgeous sky shot!

Anonymous said...

Seems like we're sharing the same kind of weather. It has been raining pretty often with the slight sunshine from far away.

Happy weekend!!

eileeninmd said...

The sun is a beautiful sight to see after days of rain. Great photo of your skies.

SandyCarlson said...

I like that sky very much.

Carletta said...

Beautiful sky!
I haven't thought of the Hitchhiker in a long while. Gosh, was that so long ago. :)

Unknown said...

that's a fabulous looking sky!

bichonpawz said...

One beautiful and dramatic sky pic! Excellent shot!! Hope you have a nice weekend Robin!! And I hope you have a dry weekend...

moneythoughts said...

Yes, it is a beautiful shot and a beautiful sky, but what I like is the numbers of shades of blue in one picture. The sky is like an abstract painting. There are artists that just paint skies, as I have seen these paintings.

Happily Retired Gal said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL capture! Thanks so much for sharing your lovely sky view ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

aino said...

Very nice and beautiful image.

Laurie Brandriet Keller said...

I love your photo.

Mama Pajama said...

Yaay, Hitchhiker's Guide! Funny! Try living in the state Washington, where it rains from October through May - now THAT was a miserable time in my life! Thought I'd never dry out - and it wouldn't storm, just a constant drizzle...ugh.

Jen said...

I think of that character anytime it rains here for longer than a day. I love those books. :)

Marja-Leena said...

Kaunis kuva!

Anonymous said...

I like your pictures.