Saturday, May 15, 2010


One of my photos was accepted as a guest contribution to Fine Art Photoblog and it's just been published today! I am really thrilled to be there among such incredibly talented photographers, what an honor.

Click here to see which one gets it's name (err, pixels) up in lights.

(And did I mention "squeeeeee!"? I did. Oh. Nevermind then. Don't mind the crazy woman grinning wildly in the corner.)

And of course I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that you can purchase that very same photo, and many others, from Around the Island Photography - my online shop.


Dina said...

Wow Robin, this is super news!
A big mazal tov to you!!

So nice to follow your blog and watch you bloom.

moneythoughts said...

I second Dina's comment. Very nice. As the old saying goes, every journey starts with a single step. This is your step.

Mojo said...

Squeee! is right! This is awesome Robin! And it's a perfect shot to display your talents.

PS: My glowing review -- er, comment -- at FAP should be moderated shortly.

Anonymous said...

Congrats my friend. It's a beautiful photo :)

Jill said...

That's AWESOME! You're totally encouraging me to take a photography class when I get to California!!

Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Robin, that's so cool!! Congratulations! You are super talented!!

Jael said...

That is great;congratulations

quilly said...

Congrats, Robin. It is a fantastic pick and one can easily see why it was chosen.

kayerj said...

Congratulations Robin!

EG CameraGirl said...

Excellent, Robin! Now I hobnob with the famous - YOU! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, mazal tov, to be sure!

Mimi said...

Congrats, Robin, that's wonderful!
I can feel a new path opening up for you, exciting isn't it?

Come Away With Me said...

Robin, congratulations! This is wonderful. I've been admiring your photographs lately here on your blog and you certainly do have the talent.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Congratulations! I love it - beautiful image.

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news Robin!

ilovepink said...

Wow! congrats for that wonderful talent. I'll try to drop by to see the wonderful works

Fiona said...

I remember commenting on the pic when you first posted it. it is very special and I'm glad it and you are getting some recognition.

Minnesota Mamaleh said...

hooray for you!!! you're oh-so-very deserving! and, as quirky as it may sound, i'm so so proud of you! squeeee away!!! :)