Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sunflower, redux

Another one from last week's photoshoot (click to enlarge)
Visit Wordless Wednesday to see what else people aren't saying this week.
My photography is now available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!
If the photo you're wishing for is something you've seen here on the blog which isn't in my etsy shop yet just let me know and I'll happily list it for you.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. :)

Dina said...

This one has such a happy face.

Chag sameach to you all.

Mojo said...

Yeah, that low whistle of amazement? That was me.

What Dina said!

Daryl said...

Catching up .. love the last 3 post photos .. and I am definitely in on Summer Stock Sunday!

Frida said...

Such a beautiful and vivid yellow.

caite said...

what fantastic color!

Anonymous said...

Wowza! Robin, this is summer, unbottled. Love it.

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

My one year old granddaughter is just learning to vocalize when this came up she exclaimed with great emphasis Wew! I'll second that :)It is so vibrant!

Stan said...

Wonderful! I feel warmer just looking at that bright sunflower face.

alicia said...

What a great shot of that sunflower. Drop by and link up!

Patty Reiser said...

That is beautiful Robin. So vibrant!

bichonpawz said...

Awesome! Makes me happy just to see the color!

MommieOnTop said...

I love the bright shade of yellow! It makes me feel so happy!

Here's my WW entry for this week.

Happy WW!

Jael said...

Such a beautiful picture of that sunny flower!

Jientje said...

Makes me long for our upcoming holiday in France!

BK said...

Great sunflower shot! I have always thought that sunflower can cheer someone up.

Mimi said...

Having your face in the sun without the prospect of skin damage certainly looks good!

Beth F said...

Absolutely beautifully excellent. Wow.

Auntie E said...

Beautiful lens capture. I love sunflowers. Have some to plant.
My WW Link for you

Rob Monroe said...

Wow - very intense - awesome shot.

Happy WW

Susan Adcox said...

There is something fascinating about sunflowers. They're not at all exotic, yet they're impressive through sheer size and height. Then, of course, they produce all that wonderful seed. A single bloom can provide a whole bowlful of seed. Towering and fruitful and vibrant--a fit subject for Wordless Wednesday!

brandi said...

~gorgeous photo...so vibrant in color...still waiting for ours to come up...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

SariJ said...

Love the picture. Sunflowers are my favorite. Thanks for the morning smile.

catsynth said...

Beautiful close-up. Such rich color and texture on the sunflower.

moneythoughts said...

I might want to paint that. Would you care?

Robyn Jones said...

Oh...wow! What a great picture! Sunflowers are my favorite flower...so cheerful!

Anonymous said...

So very very beautiful!

Regina said...

How delightful!

Minnesota Mamaleh said...

and *that* is an essence of summer! thanks! you just totally and completely brightened my day!

anymommy said...

I absolutely adore this one. Gorgeous!!